Russ Lawson challenges us to think about the dreams we dream and then go to work to make them happen.
01/18/2011 by Russ Lawson
Phil Ware begins his series on God's Riches for Us at the Table of the Lord and reminds us that we are called to share with those close to us what the Lord has done for us.
01/13/2011 by Phil Ware
If you connect to the correct power source, you can live a life full of hope, purpuse, and power.
01/05/2011 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware looks at the reflection of the Christmas tree lights in his quiet and darkened house and reflects on the grace God has brought into his life this past year.
12/30/2010 by Phil Ware
Ron Rose talks about the angels and holy moments in our lives and calls us to recognize them and be them for those who need a touch of God's grace.
12/20/2010 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware continues his series on When Spirit Becomes Flesh and talks about Jesus as heaven's light.
12/17/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reflects on the death of his grandfather, Daddy Gordon, and remembers his father's passing away, and is reminded of the floods in life that can't sweep away our hope.
11/25/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues to share his thoughts on helping kids find Jesus, Sagrada Familia, the Community, in Lima, Peru, and what matters most in our lives.
11/16/2010 by Phil Ware
Larry Davies talks about us being lighthouses to others, and sometimes that means being a steady stream of light and sometimes it means being a blazing beacon of hope.
10/05/2010 by Larry Davies
Phil Ware continues his series called Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain, and reminds us of the faith of Rahab and the two spies and how it changed everything for future generations.
09/23/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares another message in his Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain series, focusing on Abraham, Jesus, the dirt, the hole, the tree, and the question.
09/09/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a new series called light on the dark side of the mountain focusing on the fall and the cracks that became a chasm in the lives of God's first children.
09/02/2010 by Phil Ware
Lisa Mikitarian talks about the parable of the talents and learning to focus on using what we have and not saying, "If only"
08/17/2010 by Lisa Mikitarian
Rubel Shelly reminds us that while perfection is an ideal, we must not set it as our only goal or we will never attain what we reach to achieve and never be satisfied with our blessings.
07/19/2010 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his SpiritFire series focusing on God getting personal with us in the Holy Spirit and addresses the question of whether the Holy Spirit is a he, she, or it.
06/24/2010 by Phil Ware
Ron Rose talks about being open with God about what is on our heart in hopes He moves us to change.
06/22/2010 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware kicks off a series called SpiritFire on the Holy Spirit and emphasizes we have to either walk by the flesh or by the Spirit.
06/18/2010 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum describes a man in a boat near England that had no plan and was just circling, he needed help and a way to get where he was going.
06/15/2010 by Patrick D. Odum
The only thing we really need to know about life after death is that Jesus will be there with us
04/14/2010 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release, focusing on sharing our blessings and also seeing sharing Jesus, the good news of Jesus, as a gift of generosity.
02/25/2010 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell tries to get us to think in terms of what the Lord has planned for us.
02/15/2010 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware begins a series of articles on sharing Jesus in word and deed with others called Catch and Release and focusing on following Jesus.
01/28/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his thoughts on the Holy Spirit and prayer, especially focusing on us interceding and asking God to release the Holy Spirit into the life of those we love, who lead our churches, and who need God's presence.
01/07/2010 by Phil Ware
We are supposed to be in the world but not of the world. As followers of the Messiah, we are to be different, with our focus on heaven.
12/30/2009 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware challenges us to a life of passionate discipleship and challenge our children to follow with boldness, using the life of Paul.
12/27/2009 by Phil Ware