Mike Cope shares a beautiful story about a family tradition of dropping a quarter into the stockings of everyone in the family at Christmas, this includes a video update.
12/22/2009 by Mike Cope
Phil Ware continues a series of messages called Traveling Mercies focusing on Moses and his journey from broken dreams to having those dreams realized in his life.
12/03/2009 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us of the importance of remembering the real meaning of Thanksgiving.
11/23/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his series of messages on true shepherds in the church and focuses on the subject of a leader's glory -- seeing his or her passion formed in others they have trained.
11/12/2009 by Phil Ware
Steve Higginbotham talks about four murders that occurred in the town that furnished the backdrop for Andy of Mayberry and reminds us that we live in a fallen world and need to keep our eyes on our heavenly home.
11/09/2009 by Steve Higginbotham
Tom Norvell talks about taking off in the pea soup of bad rainy weather and lifting up through the clouds and finding the sun and tying this all to our need to look beyond the clouds.
11/08/2009 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware talks about the promises of Jesus and how we know we can trust them: because he kept the hard and painful promises to die for us.
10/29/2009 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum tells us about the Ig Nobel awards and reminds us that God uses ordinary folks, ignoble folks, to do great things for His glory.
10/19/2009 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell prays for the weary and the heavy burdened and tired, based on Jesus' promise to give us rest.
10/18/2009 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware talks about tug-of-war and how we so often get into them in the Christian community and whether or not it is more important to do service trips or mission evangelism trips.
10/15/2009 by Phil Ware
Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.
10/13/2009 by Russ Lawson
There is a life so much richer and fuller than most people can even imagine.
10/07/2009 by Steve Ridgell
Rubel Shelly talks about his medical ethics class and the importance these students put on telling the truth in all situations.
10/05/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware writes about Romans 8:22-29, the bondage to decay that our world faces, our own troubles and hardships, and slogans that we often use and abuse to try to encourage people who are grieving, wounded, or hurt.
10/01/2009 by Phil Ware
A dying boy reminds us of the things we should celebrate
09/30/2009 by Bill Brant
As Christians, we have hope because of what we are waiting, or more importantly, whom we are waiting for.
09/23/2009 by Tim Archer
Ron Rose talks about remembering God and what it means to truly love someone.
09/15/2009 by Ron Rose
Patrick Odum reminds us of the heart of Jesus for those who are sick and broken.
09/08/2009 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell challenges us to wait in expectation and reminds us that the expectation part is often easier than the waiting part.
09/06/2009 by Tom Norvell
We often get so caught up in the world of our own making that we miss the life God created.
09/02/2009 by Steve Ridgell
Tom Norvell looks at times that are too difficult for us to handle well and challenges us to realize that there are many things we can do to help folks in desperate situations.
08/31/2009 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware talks about the events in the miracle stories that happen after the spectacle of the miracle takes place, the things that put people back into fellowship, community, and normalcy -- the way things were.
08/27/2009 by Phil Ware
We don't just need more life. We need meaning in our lives.
08/26/2009 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware challenges us to look at our identity built around the question of "Who are you?" and the answer framed by the work of Jesus.
08/20/2009 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that the economic times, especially the financial downturn, gives us an opportunity to learn new things and establish new values, more biblical values, in our approach to consumption, greed, and ownership.
07/27/2009 by Rubel Shelly