Articles Tagged 'Hope' (Page 23)

Learning To Be Content

How are you handling the situation you currntly find yourself in?

We can learn to give thanks and be content if we will reframe our current situation and see how many blessings we actually have.

God Is

What is our hope in times of uncertainty?

Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.

Storms Come

How will we survive our storms?

In the middle of the storms of life, where are we going to turn? Jesus!

Psalm 46

Sometimes we have to save over and over till we believe it!

Psalm 46

Remembering and Praying

We must do more than simply remember what was there!

Thinking through the whole hurricane mess and looking forward to helping and praying.

To Life!

When's the last time you spent the day fully smiling?

We need to be a rejoicing people who reflect God's blessings in our lives and in our smiles!

I Must Follow

Will you follow him?

While we will have a great deal of help, ultimately, making it through depends upon us sticking to it.

Somewhere Else

Where do you want to be right now?

So many things make us long to be somewhere different.

Hope and Joy!

Where do you find your hope and joy?

Two adopted children help Joe remember again the hope and joy he has in God.`

Friends with Forever Purpose

What in the world did were they for?

Jesus' resurrection fills all of our life with meaning.

Hearts Filled with Springtime

Can hope be reborn in a cold and hardened heart?

Just as Spring brings new life, God gives us reason to hope.

Held in Hope by a Memory

What do you remember this week?

The resurrection of Jesus changes everything, but mostly us.

Dared to Hope

If only we would trust that the Lord can make us all grow!

We've got to believe that God can bring growth out of tough and impossible situations!

Strength and Help in Our Time of Need

Could you keep on coming after so many years and trips?

Sometimes we don't have answers, but we just have to keep on keepin' on trusting that God will be faithful and bring us home.

Promises, Disclaimers, and Warnings

When is a disclaimer good news?

God's disclaimers are much better than those on medicine bottles!

A Titanic Truth

Have you been saved in every way a person can be saved?

The movie Titanic gripped our hearts, but only Jesus offers permanent love, rescue, and salvation.

Letters from My Sisters

Have you noticed how sweet your sister's voice is to your ears?

Women, sisters in Christ, are such a blessing for support, friendship, help and encouragement.

The One Left Behind

How in the world will you ever catch up?

So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?

Never Too Late!

It's not too late to mend that relationship in the Lord.

The greatest joy is knowing that we will see each other again!

Quality Over Quantity

Can there be any joy in the death of a 13 year old?

A person's life is not judged by its length but by its impact.

Between Two Doors

How do we get un-stuck in a situation like this?

We often find ourselves stuck between two doors and needing rescue, but we trust the Lord to help us out and through.

The First to See the Sunrise

Why would anyone live in such a place of discomfort and danger?

Christians are called to be in the place of danger to help others find their way home to safe harbor.

Snow from Above

Snow on Eater, how can it be?

Sometimes God's surprising comfort comes at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places.


Can you remember who helped you the most?

Let's focus on the people who have been a blessing, a strength, an encouragement, and not on the baser side of things: let's honor our leaders and mentors.

Hope Does Not Disappoint Us

Can we keep from being disappointed by broken hopes?

No matter how desperate things can seem, God has given the ability to hope in him through the power of the Holy Spirit.