We can learn to give thanks and be content if we will reframe our current situation and see how many blessings we actually have.
11/01/2005 by Larry Zinck
Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.
10/22/2005 by Tom Norvell
In the middle of the storms of life, where are we going to turn? Jesus!
09/06/2005 by Tom Norvell
Psalm 46
09/04/2005 by The Holy Spirit
Thinking through the whole hurricane mess and looking forward to helping and praying.
09/03/2005 by Mike Cope
We need to be a rejoicing people who reflect God's blessings in our lives and in our smiles!
08/17/2005 by Rubel Shelly
While we will have a great deal of help, ultimately, making it through depends upon us sticking to it.
06/25/2005 by Tom Norvell
So many things make us long to be somewhere different.
05/17/2005 by Joey Cope
Two adopted children help Joe remember again the hope and joy he has in God.`
04/16/2005 by Joe Bagby
Jesus' resurrection fills all of our life with meaning.
03/28/2005 by Phil Ware
Just as Spring brings new life, God gives us reason to hope.
03/27/2005 by Bill Sherrill
The resurrection of Jesus changes everything, but mostly us.
03/14/2005 by Phil Ware
We've got to believe that God can bring growth out of tough and impossible situations!
01/27/2005 by Elizabeth Price
Sometimes we don't have answers, but we just have to keep on keepin' on trusting that God will be faithful and bring us home.
01/26/2005 by Patrick D. Odum
God's disclaimers are much better than those on medicine bottles!
01/19/2005 by Joey Cope
The movie Titanic gripped our hearts, but only Jesus offers permanent love, rescue, and salvation.
01/16/2005 by Randy Becton
Women, sisters in Christ, are such a blessing for support, friendship, help and encouragement.
01/15/2005 by Kelly Breece
So often we get behind and don't know how to catch up; how about listening to God and what he tells us?
11/29/2004 by Phil Ware
The greatest joy is knowing that we will see each other again!
07/24/2004 by Russell Larson
A person's life is not judged by its length but by its impact.
07/17/2004 by Rubel Shelly
We often find ourselves stuck between two doors and needing rescue, but we trust the Lord to help us out and through.
07/06/2004 by Janice Price
Christians are called to be in the place of danger to help others find their way home to safe harbor.
06/28/2004 by Phil Ware
Sometimes God's surprising comfort comes at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places.
05/02/2004 by Kelly Breece
Let's focus on the people who have been a blessing, a strength, an encouragement, and not on the baser side of things: let's honor our leaders and mentors.
03/15/2004 by Phil Ware
No matter how desperate things can seem, God has given the ability to hope in him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
02/15/2004 by Russ Lawson