worship segment for March 29, 2020, focused on John the Baptizer finding his purpose in preparing other people's hearts for Jesus.
03/29/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
ToGather worship segment 001, March 15, 2020 -- focusing on the presence of Jesus using, a communion devotional, and appropriately themed songs.
03/15/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his reflections on Holy Communion by reminding us of coming reunion that The Supper ensures will happen!
03/01/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that in our darkest times the Lord, our good Shepherd, wants to be near us and make his presence known to us.
02/19/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.
02/12/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that sin, both rebellion and missing God's goal of goodness for us, has reaped destruction on all we touch, but that this is not what God intended for us, there is redemption coming!
01/24/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Patrick Odum picks up a line from a Bruce Springsteen interview and helps us understand the need for being real about our struggles but also celebrating our hope in the gospel.
01/19/2020 by Patrick D. Odum
Phil Ware reminds us not to put away Jesus with the Christmas lights and blow up snowman, but to remember that Christ is alive in us!
01/15/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware combine their friendship, skills, and networks (Story of Redemption Films and and and bring us a weekly video and some interesting things to think about as we journey through life with Jesus!
01/03/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored on video and Phil Ware with words remind us that the circumstances of the moment can be swallowed up in the greater joy of God's long story of grace that came to us in Jesus of Nazareth.
12/22/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share in video and words the wonder of Jesus’ birth and how it changed the world with the Sound of Music.
12/08/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that no matter how difficult our circumstances, because of Jesus we have reason to give thanks!
11/27/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware and Andy Johnson help us look at our prayer for deliverance from temptation and the evil one.
11/13/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share Jesus' plan to reach all peoples, like the Ethiopian Nobleman and the people in the farthest reaches of the earth, with the goodness of grace.
11/10/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that Jesus died and was buried and that his burial has special significance for us.
09/22/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Chad Higgins help us understand and commit to praying for God's Kingdom to come.
09/18/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that we all needed Jesus' redemptive death on the cross so we could find new life in the grace of God.
09/15/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware, with the help of Chad Higgins, continues his series on Lord Teach Us to Pray focusing on learning from Jesus.
08/21/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the dark night that began the long, painful, and lonely journey of Jesus through his Passion to bring us to God.
08/18/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on prayer this week, focused on the early church's devotion to prayer that they learned from Jesus.
08/14/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that many were blind to Jesus as the Messiah because he refused to be the kind of Messiah they expected; he was the upside down Messiah.
08/04/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds of three fires in the life of the apostle Peter and what they can mean for us.
07/24/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us on the eve of Independence Day in the U.S. and movements all around the world striving for freedom, that the Holy Spirit gives us the greatest freedom of all!
07/03/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and focuses this week on Jesus' return in the clouds which is guaranteed by his resurrection from the dead.
06/19/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus' resurrection called resurrection 2.0, this week focusing on Jesus' word to Mary!
05/29/2019 by Phil Ware