Articles Tagged 'Hope' (Page 7)

Jesus Came to Be One of Us!

How can God know experientially how hard life can sometimes be for us?

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights and see that God came to be one of us in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

Resurrection 2.2: Sometimes, I Doubt!

Do doubts mean I don’t believe?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 focusing this week on the doubts of early disciples, and our times of doubting sometimes in our world.

Love the Family

Your church can be that kind of family, and it can begin with you being that kind of family member.

Patrick Odum reminds us that we can be better at loving the family of believers than we are doing now and that this change, this commitment to love, can make all the difference in the world.

Resurrection 2.0: The Empty Tomb

They stood there, stunned and perplexed.

Phil Ware begins his series on Jesus' resurrection appearances called Resurrection 2.0

Cruciformed #8: The Land of In-between

That unsettling

Phil Ware finishes up his series on CRUCIFORMED and the way of the cross that Jesus shows us in the Gospel of Mark.

In Over Our Head

God has you in a position to see his great work and make your life an enduring testimony of faithfulness in the face of struggle and victory in the face of defeat.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that God's great stories of deliverance, like the Exodus with Moses leading God's people to victory over Egypt and Pharaoh, are reminders of Jesus' greater deliverance and God's faithfulness.

A Family Without Borders

these ordinary people did the extraordinary: they lived Jesus’ words into reality.

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on sharing the message of Jesus with the world God loves.

All Seekers Welcomed Here!

In the Bible, sometimes a person's name was changed because of something that person did or because of something that God was going to do through that person.

Phil Ware continues his series called 8GT -- Eight Truths that Turned the World Upside Down.

Jesus Came to Be One of Us!

We desperately need to push past the glitz of the season and remember the gritty grace of the manger and the glory of God incarnate in a helpless baby who came to be one of us!

James and Phil continue their series on The Story of Redemption by focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means for us.

At the End of My Rope

We are here to remind each other that we are not forgotten in our struggles of life, fear, and death. We are here to be the heart, hands, and voice of Jesus to the broken.

Phil Ware reminds us that we can all reach the end of our rope and not know what to do and this is when Jesus can step in and change everything.

Unconventional Grace and the Song of Jesus

Like in other epoch-making moments in the history of God’s people, the movement of God in Jesus’ story began with the valuing of women's voices.

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections on what the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.

When Storms Come

Could you use some hope in the aftermath of this storm, and in other choppy seas you may be facing?

Max Lucado shares words of encouragement and hope as hurricane Florence comes ashore.

God's Providence? Perhaps!

Is this any less amazing than Paul’s unlikely meeting with Onesimus?

Steve Higginbotham connects us with God's amazing work at getting people together and helping them live as brothers in Christ both in Bible times and today!

The Threefold Path

How beautifully these three words speak to the fullness of our Christian walk!

Bill Sherrill reminds us of the importance of faith, hope, and love -- not just as theological concepts, but as integrated real-life motivation and actions.

Our Weakness, God's Power

He should have left him for the buzzards. He should have sent him to hell. But he didn’t. He sent him to the lost.

Max Lucado writes to remind us of our need to surrender our anxiety, and everything else, to Jesus and let him change our name and our future.

You Are Not Your Husband's Holy Spirit

I was very comfortable right where I was.

Jordan Harrell speaks to women about something she was told by another woman teacher that revolutionized her relationship with her husband.

I Won't Let You Go!

What is this peace? What is this overcoming Jesus talks about?

Phil Ware reminds us of the great truth of Jesus' steadfastness and faithfulness, he won't let us go.

The Perfect Storm

You don’t need to be a fisherman to experience a perfect storm.

Max Lucado reminds us about finding ourselves about being in a perfect storm and receiving God's perfect peace.

You Break It; You Buy It?

You mean, this actually applies to my kid, too?

Phil Ware reminds us that God broke one of the most held rules of merchandising, you break it; you buy it, and in Jesus turned this principle upside down.

Renown or Ransom?

How could Jesus' 12 apostles be so clueless? O, yeah. I'm that clueless about half the time!

Jame Nored and Phil Ware remind us of Jesus' example of being a servant and giving his life as a ransom to buy our freedom.

Words to Say

What can I as a believer in Jesus actually do to make a difference in the tasteless and vile language that comes from every side, quarter, and position?

Phil Ware shares how the Holy Spirit convicted him about the kind of speech he, and we must use in a world that has gone crazy at attacking each other.

Dear Husband, You're Worth It!

What happened last weekend felt hopeless and dark. But this weekend says it wasn’t.

Jordan Harrell captures the reality of the good times and challenging times in a marriage and what God is up to in all of it if we will keep on loving each other.


A hardened elite soldier in Rome's army comes face-to-face with the Son of God.

Phil Ware looks at the Centurions in the New Testament and reminds us that they often believed in Jesus.

This Collision of Grace

Greatness and grace reveal themelves in a world so real we can smell the manure and hear the breathing sounds of the Son of God.

Phil Ware reminds us of the discontinuity, the absolute collision, of the grime of our world and the glory of God in the birth of Jesus.

Let God Love You!

Do more than try to hang onto love. Let's God's love Hang on to you!

Max Lucado reminds us to accept and receive the love God longs to give us.