Articles Tagged 'Hopeful'

Let God Love You!

Do more than try to hang onto love. Let's God's love Hang on to you!

Max Lucado reminds us to accept and receive the love God longs to give us.

Because You Know!

God says: 'There is no race too long, no wall too high, no gap too wide, no shattered thing too broken to strip you of my HOPE.'

Jordan Harrell reminds us to not listen to the lies of Satan but instead remember who God is, what God has done, and what we know of God, and trust God's voice and not the lies of our circumstances, problems, pandemics, or hopelessness.

Let God Love You!

Do more than try to hang onto love. Let's God's love Hang on to you!

Max Lucado reminds us to accept and receive the love God longs to give us.

A Thanksgiving Conversation

What would a frank conversation between us and God about thankfulness look like?

Tom Norvell shares an imaginary but important conversation between himself and God.

Fear Is an Option

Fear and discouragement can rule our hearts, but we can choose another option!

Max Lucado reminds us that fear can either crowd out our faith or our faith can crowd out our fear; the option and the choice are ours.

Will this be 'Lucky 13'?

So are you superstitious, or only a little stitious?

Rubel Shelly writes about the New Year, 2013, and talks about what the year will bring and also about being superstitious.

The Ig Nobel Awards

If it's not Nobel, is it ignoble?

Patrick Odum tells us about the Ig Nobel awards and reminds us that God uses ordinary folks, ignoble folks, to do great things for His glory.

Choosing to Be Positive

How can you keep a good attitude at a time like this?

Rubel Shelly shares with us the story of Beverly Sills and how she has kept a positive attitude through hardship and disappointment and reminds us that we can choose our state of mind.