Articles Tagged 'Humble'

God Resists the Proud

Pride comes at a high price, my friend. Don’t pay it.

Max Lucado reminds us of the high price of our pride.

Twenty-five: A Quarter Century of Grace

The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes.

Phil Ware takes time to reflect on twenty-five years on the web and to give thanks for those who got them there and for the Lord who continues to do miracles among us.

Thank You!

Our prayer time with our brothers and sisters from around the world is just a foretaste of glory!

Phil Ware thanks all who participated in the prayer effort focused on #NewYearwithNewHope!


The Lord is not finished surprising us with His grace and power if we live for His purposes.

Phil Ware takes time to reflect on twenty years on the web and to give thanks for those who got them there and for the Lord who continues to do miracles among us.

Dressing Down for God

How should you present yourself before God?

You may be rich or powerful or beautiful or famous or extremely talented. But when you come to God, you take all that off. You humble yourself and say to him, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Alert to Satan's Tactics

No one wants to be an expert, but we all must be alert!

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the sly intentions of the evil one who would like to deceive us, but we can and do have the power to resist.

The Second Batch

When does most awful mess become the opportunity for grace to capture our heart and give us confidence for the future?

Lisa Mikitarian tells us a wonderful story about the Father's grace revealed in a young girl's fall with the cupcakes made to honor her beloved grandmother.

The Forgotten Virtue

Is it hard to be humble when you think yourself great?

Rubel Shelly talks about the virtue of humility and how it is in short supply these days.

Overcoming Blunders with Grace

Open mouth and insert foot or extend grace?

Rubel Shelly writes about an embarrassing moment by a Washington insider and staffer and a 4-star General.

Dead Wood Burning

Are you dead enough to catch on fire?

Mike Barres challenges us to die to self so we can catch fire with the Spirit of the Lord.

How Fragile Is Your Ego?

Can your ego handle the call of Jesus to humility?

Our egos are fragile and important but also dangerous, but we must learn humility.

Knowing What to Say

How do you know in tough circumstances exactly what to say?

Life can often leave us speechless, not knowing what to say, so what we must say is that we don't know anything other than that God is greater than we are.

Wear Jesus' Hat

Does his hat fit your head?

We must serve others with the humility of Jesus.

Standing in the Presence of God

Who do you see in the sunset's last light?

God's presence comes to us in many ways during the course of an average day; but are we looking for presence and to we respond with humility?

Flat On Our Backs ... In Prayer

Can we get any Kingdom work done flat on our backs?

Humility is often the doorway to some of our greatest work for God, especially when it involves prayer.