Articles Tagged 'Icu' (Page 2)

Desert of Trial

Because he knew the true and living God, the heart behind the Scriptures, he could recognize the forger, the fraud.

James Nored and Phil Ware discuss the temptations and trials of Jesus and why they are important to us and what they have to say to us as people who are part of God's story.

Resurrection 2.5: Sarcastic Ridicule

Jesus knew the sting of sarcastic ridicule and unbelief from his family

Phil Ware continues his Resurrection 2.0 series reminding us this week that Jesus' own family did not believe until after his resurrection.

Cruciformed #7: He Knew

He knew that people were fickle. They could cry out, “Hosanna!” one day, then cry out, “Crucify him!” a week later.

Phil Ware continues his series on CRUCIFORMED focusing on the events of Jesus' last week from his Triumphal Entry to his resurrection.

Cruciformed #6: The Gamble

As Jesus journeyed into Jerusalem that last time, he had reached the point where he was going to gamble everything on the cross.

Phil Ware continues his series of insights on living the CRUCIFORMED life Jesus calls all disciples to live on his way to the cross.

Dear Husband, You're Worth It!

What happened last weekend felt hopeless and dark. But this weekend says it wasn’t.

Jordan Harrell captures the reality of the good times and challenging times in a marriage and what God is up to in all of it if we will keep on loving each other.

Primal Fears

Instinctive? Maybe. Pervasive? Absolutely! Primal fears have plagued humanity for as long as we have told stories and laid awake at night... afraid!

Phil Ware looks at Jesus and how he brings us victory over our worst fears as adults.

Simple Oil Changes

Why is it so hard to let our Father help us?

Max Lucado reminds us that God wants to help us through our hardest challenges.

Joys of the Feast

The difficulties of yesterday's journey will be forgotten in the joy of the feast.

Max Lucado reminds us as we finish up with Thanksgiving that the joys of the feast and the family will swallow up the memories of the journey and the wait.

Not All Who Lose Are Losers

Sometimes the scoreboard only reveals the game's outcome, not the winners and losers!

Phillip Morrison reminds us that not all who lose are losers, in fact, the greatest victor of all could have been called a loser before he won the greatest victory of all time.

Lifestyle: Connecting Others with Jesus

How we view people impacts our lifestyle

Phil Ware finishes his series on "The Andrew Effect" about connecting people with Jesus by reminding us how Jesus viewed people.

Finding Contagious Joy

How can we move from contingent joy through courageous joy to contagious joy?

Max Lucado reminds us that contagious joy is rooted in courageous joy and not contingent joy, and our courageous joy is rooted in Jesus and faith in what God did through Jesus.

No Turning Back!

We can't go back, so let's go forward with faith and determination and hope!

Phillip Morrison reminds us to focus forward and let go of the past.


What is really mastering us?

Phil Ware gets personal about the idols in his life and wanting to be re-Mastered by Jesus.

Think You Are a 'Hopeless Case'?

The Father is looking to use you, no matter how unlikely it seems possible!

Rubel Shelley reminds us that God does his best work through the most unlikely of people.

The Emmaus Option

How an old journey and a brief meal can help us reshape ourselves... and our world.

Ann Voskamp looks at our ravaged world this summer and uses the image of a ravaged countryside to help us remember the power of sharing scars with the one who bears our sin in his scars.

Reason to Smile

What such a dour and serious face?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that being dour doesn't help any of us make disciples or friends.

Can Jesus Survive Religion's Failures?

How has Jesus survived the messes his followers have made over the centuries?

Jesus and the gospel message about Jesus continues to be more resilient than the failures, foibles, and fractures among his people.

Don't Settle for a Small Destiny

What do we let define us, call or catastrophe?

Max Lucado from his book "You'll Get Through This" encourages us to not let our disappointments define us but instead let God's destiny for us define us.

His Hands Will Touch You, Too!

When you see this man, who do you see?

Max Lucado writes about the man born blind in John 9 and reminds us that even though no one else notices us as a person, Jesus does.

Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Do those old passsages really have something to say today?

Rubel Shelly reminds us about God's enfolding peace in the middle of life's worse storms and that this has been true for centuries.

A Prayer about Things We Cannot Change

Sometimes life is not fair with us, so what are we going to do about it?

Rubel Shelly shares an important reality about dealing with the hand we are dealt and living life recognizing that there are many things we cannot change but have to do the best we can with.

Do Not Be Afraid

What is there really to fear, but fear itself?

Phillip Morrison shares very good information, spiritual and scriptural application, on the fear mongering happening because of Ebola.

Nothing Left But the Center Stripe

What do you do when all the lanes seem closed?

When there seem to be no good answers, we need to have some strategies to help us deal with life's problems.

The Thing about Sorrow

What can we do when we can't walk in the shoes of another in grief?

Lisa Mikitarian shares from current events and from her own experience about the grief and sorrow those we love face and how to help them -- support them, come alongside of them to support, care, and love them.

Potholes Ahead

While we cannot accurately predict the future, for most of us, there will be potholes in our path!

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not get knocked off our path when we encounter potholes, even big bad ones that do damage, but to keep pressing on and persevering toward the call of God.