Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is a positive side to peer pressure and we can use it to catch ourselves up in good redemptive actions that bless others.
05/09/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his series on Mary the mother of Jesus called window to wonder and talks about Mary forming Jesus.
05/05/2011 by Phil Ware
The bestselling book of all time, the Bible is actually a library of books, covering the gamut of human experiences and human emotions.
05/04/2011 by Tim Archer
But, if we choose to allow Jesus to redeem us, save us, make us Holy, affirm that we are worthy---Then NOTHING can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
04/27/2011 by Bill Brant
Rubel Shelly weighs in on hell and reminds us that there is something like it and it is separation from all that God is and blesses us with.
04/26/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares insights on Sunday, the Resurrection Day of the Lord and why the disciples miss it and why we often do as well.
04/24/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware weaves in the 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross with the sense of forgiveness and mission that should be ours in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
04/21/2011 by Phil Ware
Ron Rose writes about collecting fingerprints -- God's fingerprints -- and how they are stories that are longing to be told.
04/19/2011 by Ron Rose
Our world is messed up, and that's nothing new. Ever since the Fall, things have been in a state of imperfection.
04/13/2011 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly writes about an embarrassing moment by a Washington insider and staffer and a 4-star General.
04/11/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Brian McCutchen reminds us that the first real glimpse of Jesus most people see is our own face.
04/01/2011 by Brian McCutchen
Pat Mingarelli shares photos of geese on a frozen lake and reminds us of the constants of unchanging nature and the God who is faithful and dependable and unchanging and just.
03/28/2011 by Pasquale R. Mingarelli
Phil Ware shares some thoughts on Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, family, commitments, being a winner, and being number 1.
03/25/2011 by Phil Ware
Say what you mean and then do what you say. Those around you will come to trust you when your actions are the same as your words.
03/23/2011 by Bill Brant
Ron Rose talks about redeeming elevator time and listening to the Holy Spirit about ways to minister and be a blessing to people.
03/15/2011 by Ron Rose
Rubel Shelly talks about using our work and workplace as the place we live out God's mission for us.
03/14/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware completes the shift series with the theme of going fearlessly, and focuses on sharing our hope and following the Great Commission.
03/11/2011 by Phil Ware
Joe Beam shares the concept of trickle down parenting by demonstrating with a couple of parents of a baby and toddler.
03/07/2011 by Joe Beam
Phil Ware continues his SHIFT series and focuses upon giving generously as a privilege and grace.
03/04/2011 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us of a story told by Ronald Reagan, a joke, that helps us realize that sometimes our best intentions lead to a disaster that we need to admit and take credit for before something worse is done.
02/28/2011 by Rubel Shelly
We spend too much time covering up the masterpiece that is inside each one of us
02/23/2011 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly shares insight on the difference between Jewish thinking and Graeco-Roman thinking and how impacts the way we view Christian faith which should be romantic faith.
02/21/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly tells about a Canadian couple who won the lottery and donated all but 2% of what they won to charity.
02/15/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Quotations from Scripture about God's love for us in Jesus.
02/14/2011 by God
Phil Ware continues his shift series with a message on prayer and about being real before God.
02/11/2011 by Phil Ware