Pat Mingarelli shares photos of geese on a frozen lake and reminds us of the constants of unchanging nature and the God who is faithful and dependable and unchanging and just.
03/28/2011 by Pasquale R. Mingarelli
Joe Beam talks about the damage to children because of divorce using scientific evidence to refute the anecdotal "God wants me to be happy" excuse said so often.
03/27/2011 by Joe Beam
Phil Ware shares some thoughts on Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, family, commitments, being a winner, and being number 1.
03/25/2011 by Phil Ware
Say what you mean and then do what you say. Those around you will come to trust you when your actions are the same as your words.
03/23/2011 by Bill Brant
Ron Rose talks about redeeming elevator time and listening to the Holy Spirit about ways to minister and be a blessing to people.
03/15/2011 by Ron Rose
Spiderman is a story about new identity, new power, and the battle between good and evil. So is the Jesus story. And it is real.
03/02/2011 by Steve Ridgell
We spend too much time covering up the masterpiece that is inside each one of us
02/23/2011 by Tim Archer
Tom Norvell reminds us of Jesus encouraging his disciples, his followers, to get away from the maddening rush of the crowds and go to a quiet place with him and get some rest.
02/22/2011 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly shares insight on the difference between Jewish thinking and Graeco-Roman thinking and how impacts the way we view Christian faith which should be romantic faith.
02/21/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Rubel Shelly tells about a Canadian couple who won the lottery and donated all but 2% of what they won to charity.
02/15/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his shift series with a message on prayer and about being real before God.
02/11/2011 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell talks about a spiritually dry time, when there seems to be a void in our souls and spiritual life seems difficult and he reminds us of the woman at the well in John 4 and how Jesus gave her much more than water and how she shared this water wi
02/08/2011 by Tom Norvell
Rick Brown talks about a famous photograph and the message to pray and have hope in the darkest of times, and to remember that fervent and earnest prayer is the kind of prayer the early church, the committed church prayed.
02/06/2011 by Rick Brown
This is a simple meditation on the meaning of the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23.
02/01/2011 by Anonymous
Rubel Shelly talks about how important it is for us to be light for the dark places of our world.
01/24/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Patrick Odum reminds us of the mistiness of life and reminds us to live with a sense of urgency and also anticipation of resurrection and joy.
01/04/2011 by Patrick D. Odum
Rubel Shelly writes about a great friend and follower of Jesus, Dr. Everett Blanton.
12/27/2010 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his series called When Spirit Becomes Flesh and he focuses on the grit and real world feel of the birth stories and also the joy that comes from Jesus' birth.
12/23/2010 by Phil Ware
We need to be able to recognize what things are of mere passing importance and what things have eternal consequences.
12/08/2010 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly tackles the myth that you can be spiritual without being a part of a religious community, at least as a Christian.
11/30/2010 by Rubel Shelly
Patrick Odum talks about a strange occurrence involving trust, a New York ad agency worker, a homeless man, and an American Express Card, which reminds us that God trusts us.
11/29/2010 by Patrick D. Odum
Giving thanks is good for us. More than that, it's the right thing to do.
11/24/2010 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series connected to his blog about the his mission trip to Peru with his wife Donna and the children they touched.
11/12/2010 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware writes about his trip to Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru and how imperfect love can make a huge difference in the lives of children.
11/09/2010 by Phil Ware
God reveals Himself through relationships, through people. His Word was meant to be read in community.
11/03/2010 by Tim Archer