Articles Tagged 'Kin' (Page 17)

The Landlord or the Minister's Wife

Which of the two are you most like?

We need to be those that serve and not like those who tell others to serve.


What are you going to do with those irritating people?

Some people are just irritating, so how are we going to treat them? Like God has treated us!

Have It His Way!

What difference can the squawking voice really make in a day?

Some people are just God's special blessings for us along the way.

Delicate Surgery

Some things need to be separated!

We often need children to help us see again with the eyes of innocence and call us back to godly mercy and kindness.

Elbow Grease

Are you clean enough to leave a message?

God's people are best noticed when they leave a trail of kind deeds and acts of grace behind, cleaning up a dingy world gone bad.

The Least of These?

Who does Jesus value most?

We will be judged by how we cared for the least, the left out, and the lonely.

Baggage Claim

Did they make the flight or lose the opportunity?

A rush to the airport and nearly missing a flight turns into a blessing when someone's kindness saves the trip.

Our Heritage

What are we designed to do?

Humans have souls and live forever.

Christian First!

What comes first in your life?

We should be a Christian and seek Christ's purposes for our life and his Kingdom as our first priority.

It Isn't Over

When does this season end?

Some things come and go, but this one thing is always in season and this season never ends.

The Best Day Ever

What does it take for it to be a great day for you?

God has blessed us with many things, but we don't notice them because we're looking for the big things -- so let's make praise and thanksgiving an everyday habit in our lives.

The Sudden Kingdom

Have you ventured beyond the grace you've received?

Jesus brings us gracious gifts, but if we receive the gift without thanking and praising Him, we miss out on the Sudden Kingdom.

The Heart and Soul of Success

An appreciation for those in the trenches ...

While in the world the folks who are the secret to success don't get noticed, God notices the servants among us and so must we.

Be Polite to All People

Whatever happened to plain ol' Christian courtesy?

As Christians, we must learn to be polite people, even though politeness and courtesy is disappearing in our modern society.

Always Respectful

Can being respectful really save lives?

Marines in Iraq are learning to win people over by showing respect and courtesy rather than using their guns.

Of Goats and Prejudices

Who is your old goat?

Listen to how you talk about others and see what you find: is it prejudice or humility?

Thermostat or Thermometer?

Are you a situation complainer or an environment changer?

We can be situation complainers -- thermostats -- or situation changers -- thermometers; Jesus' will, however, is that we be salt, light, and examples who display the fruit of the Spirit.

How Are You Spending Your Life?

How are you spending the capital of your moments?

Every day is a gift to spent wisely, but once it is gone, it can't be spent again.


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

The Least of These?

How do you treat those that you don't have to be nice to?

How we treat the folks we don't HAVE to be nice to reveals a whole lot about us.

Revenge or Kindness

Is revenge really so satisfying?

Is it better to live with the philosophy of eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth or to practice forgiveness and kindness?

True Love is Blind

How can God be blind to our sin?

God is blind to our sin because the blood of Jesus continually purifies us when we are walking in the light.