Articles Tagged 'Last'

real HIStory

He wants me to be a reporter, telling and retelling the stories of God's encounters with His people.

Ron Rose last post and he talks about being a storyteller for the great things that God does in our lives based on Psalm 71:18-22

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

ToGather: God's Everlasting Covenant of Love (May 29, 2022)

Your Father in heaven has loved you with an everlasting love, and all he asks is that you respond with thanks by obeying what his Son, Jesus, has taught.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to remind us of God's everlasting covenant of love and his faithfulness to that covenant.

Key Resources for Resurrection Sunday and Holy Week

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched.

Phil Ware shares some great online resources for images for Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

Touchable Hope

What the resurrected Jesus gave to his shocked disciples who disbelieved for joy was tangible proof he had risen from the dead!

Phil Ware's Communion reflection on the Lord's Supper focused on Jesus' appearance to disciples after his resurrection, and what that appearance can mean for us.

Finding Jesus: Experiencing Immanuel

Do we feel like we have to keep up some kind of smokescreen so others won't know about our own times of emptiness and longing?

Phil Ware shares a summary of Matthew's Immanuel sayings focused on experiencing Jesus today.

What is CORE: Going

True disciples of the Lord haven't stopped going ever since Jesus commanded it!

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations, and emphasizes the first process of doing that: GOING!

What IS CORE: Disciple-making

When I die, my prayer is that Jesus will tell me that my life has honored his final command with even more passion and purpose. How about you?

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by focusing on Jesus' final and intentional last command to make disciples of all nations.

Truly See the Coming King

See the King headed to a cross, the foal of a donkey, and a formerly blind man who followed along the way.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that many were blind to Jesus as the Messiah because he refused to be the kind of Messiah they expected; he was the upside down Messiah.

The Upside-Down Messiah

As much as we don't want to admit it, we often miss the way of the upside down Messiah as badly as his first disciples.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us in word and video how upside down Jesus' values are to the way we often do things in our world and in our churches.

Jesus' Loose Lug Nuts and His RagTag Band

Could it be that we are more afraid of being contaminated by the world than motivated by Jesus to be salt and light?

Phil Ware reminds us that we want to not only share in the Lord's Supper, but we also want our table to be like Levi's table of grace and friendship.

Touchable Hope

What the resurrected Jesus gave to his shocked disciples who disbelieved for joy was tangible proof he had risen from the dead!

Phil Ware begins the new section with a reflection on the Lord's Supper and what it can mean for us.

Truly See the Coming King

A King headed to a cross, the foal of a donkey, and a formerly blind man who followed along the way.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that many were blind to Jesus as the Messiah because he refused to be the kind of Messiah they expected; he was the upside down Messiah.

Upside Down Messiah

As much as we don't want to admit it, we often miss the way of the upside down Messiah as badly as his first disciples.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us in word and video how upside down Jesus' values are to the way we often do things in our world and in our churches.

Cruciformed #5: The Power of Small

Jesus’ disciples were clueless. Even worse, they were unwilling to accept that the role of exaltation for Jesus and his followers involved the cross of Golgotha!

Phil Ware continues his series on the Cruciformed disciple, focusing this week on the power of the small.

Glow in the Dark Spiders

Inevitably, the darkness will weigh on them, exhaust them, and feel altogether overwhelming to them. Then, they can come to the light to re-charge, but they can't glow in the light!

Jordan Harrell learned from her son's fascination with glow-in-the-dark spiders that we are made to shine in darkness, not sit under a light.

The Revolutionary Power of Witnesses

Let’s be witnesses with those here, near, and far (Acts 1:8) like the first followers of Jesus did!

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on being witnesses of the great things Jesus has done.

Upside-Down Kingdom

Our groups and our churches must be the arenas where Jesus' upside-down kingdom comes to life.

Phil Ware shares Jesus' teaching that is upside-down to the world around us in terms of status, wealth, power, position, achievement, and importance.

Forever Friends!

As followers of Jesus, we are blessed to have forever friends from all over the world!

Phil Ware reminds us that in Jesus, we are friends, and our friendships reach around the world, across cultures, and unite us in one family.

Dinner at Levi's House

They're unsettling. They're uncomfortable. They're troubling. So, we don't ask, at least not out loud!

Phil Ware asks a bunch of troubling questions as he looks at the story of Jesus and his call of Levi and the party Levi had at his house afterwords.