Articles Tagged 'Laws'

God's Character Shapes His People

God alone had earned the right to speak truth into their lives, compassion into their hearts, and righteousness into their behaviors.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the importance of the 10 Commandments and the two divine principles of God and Jesus and call us to live them in our daily lives.

God's Character Shapes His People

God alone had earned the right to speak truth into their lives, compassion into their hearts, and righteousness into their behaviors.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the importance of the 10 Commandments and the two divine principles of God and Jesus and call us to live them in our daily lives.


Is God a party pooper?

My dogs just want to chase squirrels. What they don't realize is the danger that puts them in. They don't understand that the fence that seems restricting is actually something put there to protect them.

Isn't Jesus Enough?

Why do we run after other things to add to Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his messages out of Colossians; this one focuses on Jesus being enough and anything added to Him is less.

The Chin Hair

So what do you see in your mirror?

Kimberli looks in the magnifying mirror and sees things she doesn't like on her face and also in her life.

The Power of One Woman

What difference can one lady do?

Rosa Parks is just one example of many women whose lives of faith have great changed the world.

A Look in the Mirror

Looked in the mirror lately?

A mirror helps us see what we need to correct; God's word is that mirror for our spiritual behavior.

Secure In My Insecurities

Can we really be honest about our weaknesses?

God not only makes us strong in our weakness, but he uses our weaknesses to do his work.