Articles Tagged 'Left Out'

Dinner at Levi's House

They're unsettling. They're uncomfortable. They're troubling. So, we don't ask, at least not out loud!

Phil Ware asks a bunch of troubling questions as he looks at the story of Jesus and his call of Levi and the party Levi had at his house afterwords.

Good News for Christmas

In the dark night of the soul or caught in the foggy haze of confusion, is there good news for me?

Rick Brown writes a beautiful story on the background of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a reminder that Jesus came for all of us misfits so we could know we fit in.


If you are willing and able, Jesus can make you clean?

Patrick Odum reminds us that Jesus majors is making the unclean clean and taking the outcast and bringing them back home into community.

Where Do I Go from Here?

Where can you go when there's no place left to go?

Tom Norvell reminds us that we have a person to go to, when we have no place to go, and his name is Jesus, our Lord.


Who really wants these folks in church? Jesus, of course!

When a mega-pastor says he wants to get rid of the kooks that weigh his church down, Vann is not only shocked, but prays that God sends the kooks to his church.

Handling Rejection

How do you handle being rejected because you are a Christian?

There are times when we are going to be rejected because we are Christians.

His Little Ones!

What child have you touched with Jesus' grace lately?

Children are a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility: how we treat the least and most insignificant says a lot of how we would treat Jesus.

Those Less Welcome?

How are we doing at welcoming in those not everyone else likes?

We must welcome those other reject and leave out because that is what Jesus did.