Articles Tagged 'Life' (Page 11)

What For?

Most of us want to live longer. What for?

We don't just need more life. We need meaning in our lives.

Who Are You?

Have you lost your identity?

Phil Ware challenges us to look at our identity built around the question of "Who are you?" and the answer framed by the work of Jesus.

All About the Layers

Where do you find God doing His best work?

Ron Rose talks about layers in photography and layers in our lives, and emphasizes that the layers are where God's transformation takes place.

Are You Ready to Die?

The response to Jesus is to die.

The decision to follow Jesus requires us to die with him so we can live forever.

You Are Witnesses!

What do you have to say about Jesus?

Phil Ware imagines a conversation that the apostle Peter might have had with a visitor to him in prison shortly before his execution.

Aches and Pains

When you reach a certain age, every day brings a new ache

As we get older, our bodies begin to fail. But what about what is inside of us? God has promised that we don't have to age on the inside

This Is What I Told You ...

What difference does it make that Jesus knew and did it anyway?

Phil Ware continues his series of articles based on Jesus' LifeWORDS, the words he spoke after his resurrection. This week the focus is upon Jesus knowing and predicting he would be crucified and raised and what difference does it make to us today.

My Brothers!

How could He see so much more in them than they had ever demonstrated?

Phil Ware shares insight in his LifeWORDS series on the resurrection sayings of Jesus and how Jesus forgave and empowered his failures, his disciples, by this forgiveness.

Red Light, Green Light

The town where I live is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch those who run red lights.

God has given us a blueprint for life. His instruction makes life better.

When Life Tumbles In

What do you say when you lose a loved one?

Arthur John Gossip's famous sermon helps us face grief: "You people," says Gossip, "in the sunshine may believe the faith, but we in the shadow must believe it. We have nothing else."

What the Dying Reveal to Us about the Trinity

How can we see movement in stillness?

Scott Owings shares how his work in hospice chaplaincy has helped him appreciate the things that the dying can teach us, especially about the difficult concept of the Trinity.

God's Gift of Family Grace

Sometimes the biggest story at church is not one you know!

Phil Ware shares a Mothers' Day story of God's grace and the reunion of a family brought together through adoption.

Another Epidemic

I don't worry about an outbreak of disease ...

Christians have the only certain security during times of epidemic illness.

Giving What Can't Be Kept

If you can't keep something, why not give it up?

There is nothing foolish about turning our back on the things of this life in order to gain a life that has no end.

Worship in the Real World

Why is it so easy to draw this line?

Phil Ware reminds us that there should be no line between sacred and secular for followers of Jesus.

Preaching Your Own Funeral

What will they say when it's time to put you away?

The way we live will determine how people remember us when we are gone.

Eye Exams

Is the Bilble relevent to life?

The Bible is more than a collection of facts. It is the story of God's plan for our life.

Taste Test

Try it … you'll like it …

We have to try God and his way before we can speak intelligibly about our beliefs.

Air Traffic Controller

How will we make it through?

Tom Norvell talks about an air traffic controller landing a plane and how his dad was a blessing.

Sell Your Soul?

I didn't know there was anything you couldn't sell on eBay?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about selling our soul and eBay and what we are doing with our own soul.

Marcus Welby, Jesus Christ Superstar, & Bill Parcels

So who are you based on your living?

Danny Sims takes a weird mixture of folks and reminds us that we are what we are, so look at your life and see if that is who you want to be!

Happy New Life

Will turning the page on the calendar change your life?

God can make our lives new, giving us a fresh start. He wipes out past mistakes, letting us begin again.

A Time of w00t

Can you find the joy right now?

Ron Rose shares a new word, w00t, that means joy in gamer language, that has entered our common communication language.

How Less Becomes More

How in the world does having less mean having more?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even in a season when folks have less than they are used to having, if they look they will actually find that they have more.

Steps to Hope

What does it take to find hope in this life?

There is real hope for our present lives. God offers us this hope through Jesus, and only through him.