Articles Tagged 'Life' (Page 12)

Learning from Trees


Alan Smith reminds us of some important lessons that we can learn from trees.

Friendship and the Abundant Life

Where can I find something more than more demands and more stuff?

Ron Rose shares some beautiful insights on friendship and the importance of a friend to living the abundant life.

The Dance of Life!

Are you going through life like a zombie?

Ron Rose talks about sleep walking through life like zombies and how we were made to find life and dance with joy and help others do the same.

Faith in the Dry Seasons

Can faith actually grow when it feels lifeless and dry?

Rubel Shelly talks about faith during the dry cycles of life and how we can endure these dry times to follow God more vibrantly.

More than a Fork in the Road

How our simply service makes a difference in everything!

Phil Ware reminds us of an old story describing heaven and hell and how the difference between the two is whether or not people serve each other.

Facing Life's Uh-oh's

What do you do when the problems come?

Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.

Root Rot

Can you get too much of a good thing?

Mike Barres reminds us that often what culture is giving us as water is not God's truth and will rot our roots.

Godly Organic

Weren't we re-made for more than we're settling for?

Phil Ware shares with us ideas about growth and how God has re-created us to be like Jesus and be full of life and growth, spiritually and physically.

The Final Chapter

What will you write?

Tom Norvell reflects on Paul writing the final chapter of his life and finishing his race.

Wake Up Call?

Is the alarm sounding in your life?

Russ Lawson shares about a pain that awakened him in the night and how it caused him to take a closer look at his life.

Selling Your Soul

So what are you really worth?

Patrick Odum reflects on several folks who have auctioned off huge portions of their lives and property on eBay and challenges us to ask if we have done the same thing with our stuff.


How can we get out of those hard and fast ruts?

Mike Barres talks about his gravel driveway and how it gets full of ruts and how he goes about avoiding them and then he challenges us to avoid living in the ruts we have made in our churches and our lives.

Set Free

Where can I find true freedom?

Tom Norvell thinks about July 4th and reminds us that freedom is found in Jesus.

Your Ambition

What is your ambition in life?

Tom Norvell shares with us some insights from 1 Thessalonians and how to life a quiet life and honor God and win the hearts of outsiders.

The Coriolis Effect on the Heart

How far have you been deflected away from your goals and dreams?

Lisa Mikitarian examines how we often get driven off course in life and how we are going to do something about it.

The Frantic Pursuit of Rest

Why does it seem to get farther away while we run faster to chase it?

Bill Sherrill talks about our rush to rush into everything and how we need to read God's Book about life and how to experience it.


What am I supposed to do with all this mess?

Larry Davies shares with us his struggle with a cluttered office and how it's been embarrassingly displayed on the Internet.

Parable of the Pencil

What I learned about Jesus from a pencil...

We can learn many spiritual lessons from everyday things and events.


What in the world is that sound?

Phil Ware looks back on an old reel-to-reel recording and editing session and reflects how he could sure use that same kind of thing in his life!

The Prayers Are Ended

When it all goes in the box, how will your prayers end?

Tom Norvell reflects on the words from Psalm 72 that the prayers of David are ended and he hopes his life, his prayers, end with praise like David's did.

Faith Awaiting a Dawn

What happens when the sun rises on Sunday?

Phil Ware shares insight on the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, and how Mary calls Jesus Lord when she doesn't know he is raised and how the beloved disciple saw the death clothes of Jesus and believed.


We have to remember what we were made for

We were not meant to live our lives like animals. We are called to be sons of God.

Real Joy?

Couldn't you take a couple of doses of this in your group?

Phil Ware talks about the real source of authentic joy, the Holy Spirit.

Our Child

What other words need to be said than a smile?

Phil Ware describes meeting his Compassion little girl for the first time in a slum in Kampala, Uganda.


Can you find hope in a hopeless situation?

Phil Ware shares insights he learned from a book and a group of pictures about Compassion International and the meaning of life and death.