Articles Tagged 'Life' (Page 7)

Faith, Hope, Love & Deployment

For those on the front lines and face loss daily.

Heather Gray shares a devotional on death and love and the power of God through it all for families who are deployed in harms way and she speaks with the authenticity of someone who knows because her husband David Gray was killed in Afghanistan.

Of First Importance

So what is the most important day in your life?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the importance of the last week of Jesus' life.

Life Among the Outcasts

Where does your church meet?

Rubel Shelly talks about a book he read recently, "Sanctuary of Outcasts", and challenges us to make the church such a place.

Old Clothes and New Life

Do not get so used to the old that you fail to experience the new.

Old clothes are comfortable and you get so used to them you do not realize how good new clothes are. Life is like that too.

I Need More Than Me!

We were not made to do this discipleship thing alone.

Phil Ware continues his series on experiencing God through Jesus, Immanuel, this time focusing upon our need for spiritual community, family, fellowship.

What Jesus Said Is a Life-Changer: The Sozo Habit

One perspective change, one life change, and salvation can flood in!

Ann Voskamp shares the flash of insight that changed everything and began the journey of a 1000 God gifts and eucharisteo and thanksgiving.

The NEW of New Years

The year is new… are you?

Being a follower of Jesus makes one's life NEW and notice the words that said old things have passed away. When you make that decision to follow Jesus and are baptized, then your "old things" do not matter to God anymore; you are NEW.

Examen: Thinking through my Years

How can we move forward and not just repeat the same old things?

Jackie Halstead shares with us the process of Examen as she reviews 2013 and looks ahead to 2014 and dedicates her life to God.

They Got a Medal for Finishing the Race

Watching a Road Race taught me a lot about my life as a Christian

The Christian life is much like a race. If you finish, you get a medal. If you don't finish... no medal.

Life Is Hard and Then You Die

Our world thinks this is tough news. We think it is good news.

We live in a hard world and then we die. The world sees this as bad news getting worse. The Christian sees it as bad news getting better.

Challenge the Status Quo and Live a generous Life

So how do I keep the status quo from getting in the way of my generosity?

Rick Brown reminds us that we are called to challenge the status quo like Jesus did and turn our values, our world, upside down and bring the life of the Kingdom the way that God wants.

Blessed Assurance

Where is your certainty found?

Phillip Morrison reminds us that our assurance is based on what God does and has done in Jesus, not what we can accomplish for God!

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

Talk Less Hug More

Why not forget winning arguments and win the heart?

Ron Rose talks about his adopted granddaughter, Halle Grace, a Russian lifeguard and Halle's desire to hug and be hugged.

The Pardon That Wasn't

Can you make someone accept a pardon?

God offers each of us a pardon, the chance to have our sins blotted out. We can escape the death sentence that sin has placed on us. We can be forgiven. Or we can ignore God's offer and pay the penalty for what we've done.

Am I Going to Die?

You are going to die. How do you feel about it?

I overheard a seven year old ask the question that many of us wonder about: Am I going to die?

Restored to Life: Our real Salvation

Saved every way a person can be saved

Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and focusing on the big Four primal fears that Jesus helps us address and he reminds us that salvation involves a from, for, and to component and shouldn't be simply elevator theology.

Talk Less, Hug More

What's the universal language?

Ron Rose talks about his adopted grand daughter Halle Grace and how important hugs are to her.

Don't Stop

Being the last to finish can still make you a winner

It's not enough to start the Christian race. We have to persevere to the finish line if we want to win the prize.

They Called It Minor Surgery

What do you think about when they put you to sleep for

Things you are glad to have figured out before surgery: Have I made a difference? I am going to die someday. I am not in control.

Was It 'Just God's Will'?

Just what do you mean by that?

Rubel Shelly weighs in on the tragedy in Oklahoma, our easy explanations, and our overuse of the word just.

Fast or Full?

The old saying is that life happens fast, but can we live like that and enjoy its fullness?

Tom Norvel reminds us that life happens quickly, fast, and if we are not careful, we can get so busy that we miss life in all its fullness, abundance, and joy.

Grieve with Hope

Why would anyone think Chrisitans do not grieve?

Christians grieve the loss of loved ones, but we grieve differently because even in death we have hope of a better life.

Look! It's My Obituary

Is that me among the death notices?

I need to think about dying. Not in a scared way, nor some kind of morbid obsession. I need to remember that death is coming… and it's not the end. I need to prepare for my real retirement, the one that will last forever. All of the "busyness" that surrou

The Story: Garments of Grace

How can these grave clothes speak of a better hope?

Phil Ware continues his series that parallels The Story and he brings us to the resurrection of Jesus through the humiliation of his disciples and himself and tying his message to the garments of Jesus.