Articles Tagged 'Light' (Page 5)

What if We Can?

Is there any way to really reach the whole world?

Danny Sims, a friend and supporter of Heartlight reminds us that we can reach the whole world through Heartlight.

10 Years

Wow, where have the years really gone?

Heartlight has been around for ten years and Paul has played an indispensable part of it.

Decade of Grace

This decade is a lot more than just the passing of ten years!

Heartlight has been around now for ten years and its been a decade of grace.

Our Social Ills

What can cure the real problems in our souls?

Jesus is the only real answer that works in our world today.

Battery Life and Shining Lights

What does it take to keep your battery charged?

Keeping us going in ministry, keeping our lights shining, requires us to spend time alone with God.

A Humbling Reason for Thanksgiving

Our joyous thanksgiving overflows!

We give thanks for ten years of God's blessings at Heartlight.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.

Removing the Evidence

Have you hidden the evidence or are you open with God?

Hiding sin doesn't help anyone so let's come clean before God.

New Fangled Night Light

What are you forgetting in the light of day?

Too many of our good intentions are never fulfilled because we forget them and leave our world in darkness.

The Power is On!

Are you living by candlelight rather than God's power and light?

An electrical outage doesn't last as long as folks thought and they learn a lesson about turning on the power.

Oh You Light of Mine!

What can of light do you owe the world?

We all need to be a little more ready and intentional about letting our light shine before others, but we also know and willingly bear the consequences.

The First to See the Sunrise

Why would anyone live in such a place of discomfort and danger?

Christians are called to be in the place of danger to help others find their way home to safe harbor.

In the Wake of the Storm

What did you do when the lights went out?

The storm comes through and all the lights go out and the electricity doesn't work.

Baggage Claim

Did they make the flight or lose the opportunity?

A rush to the airport and nearly missing a flight turns into a blessing when someone's kindness saves the trip.

Happy Birthday Heartlight!

It's been 8 years of Heartlight - time for a little celebration! celebrates its eighth birthday with a look back on some amazing events.

Mission of Mercy

Can mercy still take flight today?

Jesus gave up everything for us to bring us to God; we can see that same spirit of sacrifice in the angels of mercy flights.

Lights Out

What can we learn from a toddler over-using the light switch?

God's authority, his love and discipline, are for our good and our blessing, not our punishment.

True Love is Blind

How can God be blind to our sin?

God is blind to our sin because the blood of Jesus continually purifies us when we are walking in the light.

Don't Be a Diamond in the Darkness

Let Him fill you with light.

Brothers and sisters, without Christ, we are diamonds in a dark room. We cannot shine and display all the wondrous beauty God made us to have without His light.