Articles Tagged 'List' (Page 3)


I wait in silence for the Lord!

Pat Mingarelli shares insight from his time hiking and being outdoors as a photographer and reminds us our need for silence to listen to God.

An Unshakable Life

Wouldn't you put this list up on your refrigerator

Tom Norvell uses Psalm 15 to help direct us to having a list to help us live an unshakable life.

Comfort in any Season

How does God use us to comfort other?

Phil Ware talks about 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and comforting others with the comfort we have received when we went through the season of mourning, grief, and pain.

The Dance of Life!

Are you going through life like a zombie?

Ron Rose talks about sleep walking through life like zombies and how we were made to find life and dance with joy and help others do the same.

The Failure of List-keeping

Why do we trade our Lord in for our lists?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.

Cutting Off Conversation

Why is it so hard not to interrupt?

Rubel Shelly describes how hard it is to really listen and not cut off someone else's conversation.


Are you too busy to find God in the ordinary?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we can get so busy that we fail to find God in the everyday world where he meets us.


Can your GPS get you out of life's real pickles?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares an experience she had with her GPS and then compares it to God's Plan of Salvation which is in the Bible, the only Voice we should trust.

It's About Seeing Us!

Do you see and listen to these folks around you?

Rubel uses a street person named Jack and his friend to remind us that each of these people have a name and need to be valued and noticed as real people.

Martha's List

Whose list are you carrying?

So often we try to complete our list without involving Jesus or investing ourselves in what really matters.

Learning the Skill of Communication

How well are you at listening and being heard?

Messing up his communication with his wife, Paul learns the lesson of the importance of good communication.

Who Could Ask for More?

Have you ever thought how much God cares for you?

A little girls interruptions become the occasion for seeing how much God loves and listens to us.

What the Kids Pick Up

What are your kids hearing in the background and from you?

Kids hear all sorts of things in the background of the world via the radio and tv, how are we helping them process this?

How Great the Father's Love!

Does any of the Father's love splash over and touch the people in your family?

Overhearing a questioning about loving children enough gets Sarah thinking about the need for meaningful touch, focused listening, and hanging around together.

Delayed Truth

Have you learned this important spiritual skill?

We need to learn that there is a time to be silent.

What Do You Really Want?

What are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas?

What we want and most need at Christmas are not the kinds of things that money can buy!

Ministry of the Presence

What can we do to help others when their world collapses?

God cares about our struggles and sent Jesus to us to show us the way back to his heart.

The Art of Listening

What is the most important thing you listen to each day?

One a mom's greatest responsibilities is to listen to her family, her children, and her God.

Be Still!

Can you actually be still?

God is calling us to be still, but he sometimes has to do radical things to get us to listen!

What We Listen To

Who you listening to?

Who and what we listen to is crucial if we are to stay on track and also drown out the voices that make us fear and doubt.

Open My Ears

Do you need Jesus' help to hear?

While many folks can hear, they often don't listen and refuse to hear the things they most need to hear.

Whose Advice Do You Seek?

Who do you listen to when it matters most?

Listen to the Lord, don't seek the advice of those who don't truly know the truth.

Are You Listening to Me?

Is anybody listening?

We need to learn to listen better if we ever hope to connect with other people.

Loving God's Word

Do you truly love God's Word?

If we truly love God's Word, then we are going to let it be the crucial part of our lives each day by scheduling time to listen to and read from the Bible.

Always Respectful

Can being respectful really save lives?

Marines in Iraq are learning to win people over by showing respect and courtesy rather than using their guns.