Articles Tagged 'Lit' (Page 11)

Sometimes We Have to Eat Our Words

This is not something you want to have to choke down!

We can't understand everything and we can't fix everything and being in the presence of God helps humble us to that truth.

Risky Business

Facing fear? Find Godpower to keep going.

Opening yourself up and becoming vulnerable is a risky, scary thing - but you've got to do it to grow! Find the Godpower you need to take the next right step.

Secure In My Insecurities

Can we really be honest about our weaknesses?

God not only makes us strong in our weakness, but he uses our weaknesses to do his work.

Balancing a Tilting Boat

What can we do to restore sanity and balance in our sexually charged world?

Our world is out of balance in our sexually charged atmosphere and Christians aren't doing much to help, but we must!

Tribute to a Fallen Hero

Some people won't take the easy way!

Story of Pat Tillman losing his life and living life in his own unique way.

The Tear from God's Eye

What was that we saw falling to earth?

We can't really know anyone else's story without being able to view it from the perspective of God and God sheds a tear when we judge each other falsely.

Standing in the Presence of God

Who do you see in the sunset's last light?

God's presence comes to us in many ways during the course of an average day; but are we looking for presence and to we respond with humility?

Sheep and Cats

Can cats go astray?

We are like sheep, who go astray and need to be brought back; but in our pride we often act like cats and pretend we did nothing wrong.

Be Polite to All People

Whatever happened to plain ol' Christian courtesy?

As Christians, we must learn to be polite people, even though politeness and courtesy is disappearing in our modern society.

Of Goats and Prejudices

Who is your old goat?

Listen to how you talk about others and see what you find: is it prejudice or humility?

The Truth Behind Fancy Words

What lies behind the words we use to describe ourselves?

The truth is often not found in the fancy words we use about ourselves; what matters is the heart.

He is "I Am"

How do we really help people with low self-esteem?

We are given remarkable freedom in Jesus; we can become like him.

Flat On Our Backs ... In Prayer

Can we get any Kingdom work done flat on our backs?

Humility is often the doorway to some of our greatest work for God, especially when it involves prayer.

The Least of These?

How do you treat those that you don't have to be nice to?

How we treat the folks we don't HAVE to be nice to reveals a whole lot about us.

Department or Attitude?

Did you hear the one about the fellow who walked into First Suburban Church wearing an expensive suit and a baseball cap?

If you value human contact and personal service, then take note of and appreciate it when you receive it.