Articles Tagged 'Lit' (Page 7)

Navigating by GPS

How are our children going to find their way?

Lisa Mikitarian shares the time she invested in working her son through a discussion about the importance of God guiding, but our ability to make our choices and take responsibility for our actions.

Radical Surgery

removing sin takes radical surgery

Removing sin from our lives demands radical, aggressive action.

The Britney Spears in Your Life

Would you be willing to help Britney if you could?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we may not know Britney Spears, we do know someone like her and we need to ask if we are willing to be a friend to these people?

Excuse Making

Come on, now, let's just admit to the truth!

Rubel Shelly confronts our tendency to make excuses for our sins, mistakes, and errors and then try to use softer words to make them not seem so bad.

Specialty of the House

Why can't this also be our specialty?

Rubel Shelly talks about Starbucks and their emphasis on customer service and how we need to emulate their desire to greet help others.

What Do You Do?

How do you honor a servant who is not trying to be noticed?

Phil Ware talks about a university honoring students for their acts of service and it leads him to wonder how we honor God's servants today.

Checking Off Boxes?

How can we move away from this demeaning habit?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we need to give up our check off the boxes mentality when it comes to thanking God and just respond to his grace genuinely from the heart.

The Change You Want to See

If you could change the world, what would you want to see?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that a better world begins with what we do in the small acts of righteousness and kindness in the world around us.

If You're Not Sure of Your Part

How do you find your part?

Alan Smith talks about a junior high music teacher whose students didn't play.

Spiritually Muddled

How clear is your thinking?

Mike Barres reminds us that we often confuse our muddled thinking, our inability to decide what to do, not because the decision is difficult, but because we don't want to obey.

My Grandchildren Really Are Most Amazing

How will my grandchildren make a difference in this world?

Our families are our greatest legacy. Our greatest prayer for them must be that they find the Lord.

Words, Words, Words

Looking to put the spin on something, then learn from this!

Paul Faulkner reminds us of the awesome power of words and our human ability to use them to distort the truth and anger God.

Patience ... My Left Foot!

How much do you really have?

Paul Faulkner tells about a paralyzed friend and his patience, but reminds us that all of us need patience if we are to be what God wants to grow us to be.

Fudging and Compromise

How far are you going to let things slide?

Mike Barres reminds us that taking moral shortcuts and fudging on things spiritually always end up in disaster and sin.


What's got you so distracted?

Teresa Bell Kindred shares with us her absent-minded follies because she is distracted from all of her hi-tech toys to which she is plugged in and she reminds us to get away and be with God.

Facing Reality?

Most folks just don't want to think about this, but they're going to have to do so!

Paul Faulkner reminds us that funerals are great times for us to face the reality of our final destination.

Bless Your Heart!

Whose heart are you blessing these days?

Jane Vincenzi shares some insight in the old southern phrase bless your heart and realizes that it is really what our Christian life is all about.

Less Than Advertised

What are we really promising people in our churches?

Phil Ware shares an experience where a small town was way over hyped and didn't live up to its advertising and compares it to what happens in our churches and encourages us to build God's community.

Same and Different

How are we all the same and yet all different?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are all unique and different and yet we must all take responsibility for our actions.

With Gentleness and Respect

How do we change the anti-Christian perspective of our culture?

Phil Ware talks about the need to live the life of Jesus before the world or our witness doesn't mean anything at best and creates hostility at worst to Christianity.

Beyond Defending Our Fortresses

Why can't we leave our old positions behind?

Phil looks at our spiritual journey to be conformed to Jesus and to go to our home with God and asks how we can get so bogged down in being critical of others who are not at the same point in their journey as we are.

Displaying the Work of God

Whose sin was being punished?

Even when disaster strikes, our God is in control.

Longing for Friendship

Are you willing to take the risk?

We all need a friend or brother or sister with whom we can confess, share our story, and find deep and meaningful friendship.

Men and the Struggle for Purity

How are you doing in your struggle to be pure?

Men have a real struggle to live pure lives, but a small group that holds us accountable and confession can help.

The Chin Hair

So what do you see in your mirror?

Kimberli looks in the magnifying mirror and sees things she doesn't like on her face and also in her life.