Articles Tagged 'Lit' (Page 8)

What Do You Think?

Sometimes, don't you think you ought to find the answer for yourself?

While spiritual leaders have wisdom and knowledge, they are not always right and we should seek to answer many of our own questions ourselves using the Bible as our guide.

Choices: Truth or Lies?

Do we really have all these choices or is there only one choice?

Righteousness is not a choice but it is defined by God and his will, not by popular culture, media, and we cannot compromise and or flirt with evil.

A Violent Grace

Now that the Christmas lights are put away, aren't you ready to meet the real Jesus?

The coming of Christ is a violent grace that heads to a violent end and if we listen to the birth stories of Jesus we can find there a real Savior who lived in our all too real world.

Giving Back to God What Is His

Are we just renters of the blessings we have?

Using something for free almost every weekend of the year for a parking lot reminds a church that they don't own what they use; we need to learn that same thing as God's children.

The Judging Business

What right do we have to pass judgement on anyone else?

God wants us to be humble, but he doesn't want to get down on ourselves or judge ourselves or anyone else, he chose us and will us to his glory.

Learning to Tremble

Have you learned the ultimate act of reverence

Kimberly takes an honest self-appraisal and listens to God to learn that she needs to tremble in awe of God and his grace and at her own sin.

A Story About A Giant

Are you a giant or a burden?

We stand on the shoulders of giants and have the blessinmgs we have because of their sacrifices.

How Fragile Is Your Ego?

Can your ego handle the call of Jesus to humility?

Our egos are fragile and important but also dangerous, but we must learn humility.

The Cool of the Day

Have you been refreshed in the presence of the Lord lately?

Our love for the cool of the day after the hot day of work is a reminder of our need to be close to God and his desire to have us close.


Have you seen your own values slipping a little lately?

The price of gasoline kicks off some creative questioning by Russ as he wrestles with the serious desensitization that has occurred in many lives.

Lift Up Your Eyes

Where are your eyes pointed these days?

Lift up your eyes is a call for vision, a call to not walk in fear of danger, but to look for the new, the glory, the things God is calling us to embrace.

The Ultimate Cop-out

How can you explain this away so nonchalantly?

A mother's lame explanation for child abuse makes us realize how easy and horrible it is to explain away our own responsibility.

Never the Same

Are you ready to have your life changed?

Many events in our lives change us forever, our lives will never be the same as a result, and Jesus is one of those life-changing events.

Suffering the Consequences?

Are you tired of having to pay the piper?

Often the difficult things in our lives we want to blame on God are really only the result or consequences of our own bad choices and decisions and actions.

One Brick at a Time

How do you get everything done in life?

Life is accomplished and made worthwhile by sticking to our goals and doing things one step, one brick, at a time.

Exercising the Spirit: Hospitality

When was the last time you entertained angels?

Hospitality is the Christian virtue of entertaining strangers, outsiders, and guests and recognizing in them angels or even the presence of God in the Trinity.

Spiritual Immunity

Can we actually help our families and our friends become immune to ungodliness?

Spiritual immunity comes from rearing children in godly homes with godly values and godly actions.

Expanding Your Circle of Friends

How big is your circle?

We all need more friends, but the way to have them is to invest the time and offer others our friendship

What Was She Thinking?

Can you imagine what in the world these people had in mind?

Dumb criminals remind us that we are all just a step away from moral calamity and disaster and must resist satan and draw near to God.

Take a God Break

When's the last time you shut everything down and sought to be alone with God?

We all need to take a God-break a time when we get alone with God and be renewed and restored.

Little Things, Done Faithfully

Are you willing to do all those tedious, little things of love?

Little things, done faithfully, like taking out the garbage, are the glue, the grace, of ongoing and lasting relationships and marriages.

Got Your Spiritual Trainer?

Who's training you to be God's servant?

Spiritual growth really requires us to have a spiritual trainer to help us with our spiritual discipline.

Worship and the Ballpark?

Can we really take worship with us outside our religious boxes?

Worship has to be part of our everyday real life world where we work, play, do sports, have recreation, and watch our kids play.

Exercising the Spirit: Breath Prayer

Do you know how to pray?

We can learn to breath pray and pray any time and any place and reach out to God through prayer.

Unremembered Friends

What if we actually treated everyone we meet as if they were friends?

What if we greeted everyone as if they were a long lost friend who we were glad to see?