Articles Tagged 'Long' (Page 5)

Limitless Mercy

How could He love us so?

Tammy Marcelain talks about Henri Nouwen's book and also about the prodigal son and the great love of God.

Short-term or Long-term?

Will we stick in there or will we bail after a short bit?

Mike Barres stresses the importance of giving consistent, long-term care to help people overcome the mess they currently find themselves in.

What Good Is One Puzzle Piece?

Puzzle pieces need each other to do what they are designed to do.

Christians are designed to live in community.

Wrong Road, Right Friend

Are you walking down the hard road alone?

Phil Ware continues to share his insights on experiencing Jesus as Immanuel.

Unveiling of Legacy

What will you have to pass on to your children and grandchildren?

Ron Rose shares with us about legacy, faith, children, grandchildren, funerals, and the real inheritance we need to set aside for those who come after us.


How can so much be caught up in one word?

Phil Ware continues his seven sayings of Jesus on the Cross and talks about how the words "I thirst" make Jesus' incarnation real.

Is That All There Is?

When you get what you've always longed for, will you be satisfied?

Only God can satisfy our deepest longings. Everything else will just leave us longing for more.

Closer Than You Think

How far have you gone to find what you are looking for?

Rubel Shelly tells the story of a Rabbi who took a long trip to find what was buried under his own stove to remind us to not give up what we seek by trying something different than where we are simply because we are restless.

Divorce and Stress in Children

How can we help our children long-term?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that divorce causes stress on our children and creates a legacy that impacts their lives, so we need to learn to love each other in words and actions.

Will the Hurt Never End?

How long will all this mess last, anyway?

In the times of hardship and trial, it is hard to wait on the Lord because it seems so long before his deliverance, promised and sure as it is, comes to free us from our pain and suffering.

I Need You Every Hour

Are you this desperate for God?

The words of an old song remind us of our deep need for God and longing for him.

Right Now!

Why do we put it off and then forget?

Mike learns to not put off prayer, but when someone has a need, he says, "Let's pray right now!"

Give and It Will Be Given to You

So what are you really offering to the Lord for His service?

While we are to give a tithe, the tithe is just a reminder to us that everything we have belongs to God.

Somewhere Else

Where do you want to be right now?

So many things make us long to be somewhere different.

A Difficult Word

What's your toughtest word to spell in your lifestyle?

One way to learn the art of reconciliation is to look at the word as meaning re-cancellation -- cancelling the debt, the sin, the hurt between us and another.

The Last Word

Who has the final say in our lives?

Death has been defeated by Jesus' resurrection so we need to only ask whether or not we belong to him.

Country Chicken

A Texas city slicker?

A trip to the cattle and the country rattles this city slicker loose from her busy ways enough to help her appreciate God in wonder.

Called to Belong

Where do you belong?

Because we are called to belong to Christ Jesus, we have grace and peace!