Articles Tagged 'Love' (Page 12)

The Hardest Lesson Lost

Are we the older brothers?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home focusing this week on the older brother and the hardest lesson to lose: that it is better in the Father's house!

Leaving an Imprint of a Mother's Faith

What's a mom supposed to do with wet cement?

Phil Ware continues his series on Mary the mother of Jesus called window to wonder and talks about Mary forming Jesus.

After the Angel Leaves

So how do we keep on keeping on after the angel leaves?

Phil Ware begins a 4 part series on Mary, the mother of Jesus, called Windows to Wonder, and talks about how the angel left Mary and Mary's life began to unfold with challenges and difficulties, but she maintained faith.

Who Can Separate Us from the Love of God?

How do we get away from God?

But, if we choose to allow Jesus to redeem us, save us, make us Holy, affirm that we are worthy---Then NOTHING can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

I Love You

What is the greatest Valentine you have ever received?

Quotations from Scripture about God's love for us in Jesus.

SH!FT: READ_faithfully

Isn't it time you put this back into your daily life?

Phil Ware continues his shift series, focusing on our need to read Scripture because it is from God and useful to our living and beneficial and able to make us wise and leads us to salvation.

Relationships Are Worth the Effort

Excellence in every area of life means relationships, too!

Rubel Shelly calls us to excellence, but reminds us that this must be true in every area of life, including our relationships.

Imperfect Love

What difference can my imperfect love make in a mountain of need?

Phil Ware writes about his trip to Sagrada Familia in Lima, Peru and how imperfect love can make a huge difference in the lives of children.

Making a Difference?

Can't we save some?

Phil Ware continues his series on light on the dark side of the mountain reminding us the need for men and women of God to step up and be counted.

Rescue in Process: Hold On!

Light is coming from above!

Rubel Shelly writes about the trapped Chilean miners and the incredible rescue efforts that involved so many different peoples and how this mirrors heaven's efforts to rescue us.

But I Love Her Anyway

I wish I could be as innocent and trusting as a child.

Jesus makes it possible to once again have the purity and innocence of a child.

Risky Gratitude

Why take this risk?

Stacy Voss shares the principle about thinking about the lovely things of God in your partner and not the bad things or the deficits.

Where Are You?

Are you afraid to answer when God calls out to you?

God is always looking for us, even when we aren't looking for him

Limitless Mercy

How could He love us so?

Tammy Marcelain talks about Henri Nouwen's book and also about the prodigal son and the great love of God.

Celebration in Heaven

Lost ring, found joy!

Patrick Odum writes about a lost class ring and compares it to Jesus' parable about the lost coin and reminds us that the joy of someone coming to Christ should thrill us, too.

Dawn of The New Way: Lifted Up

Do you think James was really there through all of this mess?

Phil Ware shares some insight and background on James the brother of Jesus and how he disbelieved, but came to faith.


Why in the world would someone do this?

Patrick Odum writes about a woman who is getting plastic surgery to help make her look like Jessica Alba and talks about what it would take to make us feel lovely and acceptable to God.

Catch & Release: Witnesses

Why would he choose this bunch to be his plan?

Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release reminding us that we are chosen to be Jesus' witnesses specifically because of who we are and what he has done for us in our lives.

Forgotten Kindness, Forgotten Love?

When is the last time you let God know how much you love Him?

Mike Barres reminds us of the incredible and personal nature of God and his love for us and our need to let Him know with kind words and loving words and genuine affection.

Why Are They Not Coming?

Religious but not in church: you bet, that's a lot of folks!

Larry Davies talks about why a lot of folks have trouble with going to church and reminds us that we are part of the problem when we don't go back to the basics.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.

When a Church Stops Being a Church

When does Jesus close a church's doors?

When a church forgets about love and focuses on rules and regulation, it ceases to be a church. The church of Jesus is an organism, not an organization.

Back to Basics

Isn't it about time to get rid of the fluff and get back to the basics?

Rubel Shelly uses the recent world series and a few Casey Stengel stories about the early days of the Mets to remind us that the we need to get back to the basics of what we do as believers: love God and love each other.

Calling Home

Your Father is waiting to hear from you!

Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.

A Dad Who Gets It

Don't you wish you could handle things as well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what good fathers are like and that there are great stories out there to tell about good dads.