Articles Tagged 'Love' (Page 19)

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

Christ and Christophers

Will you miss your next opportunity?

May God give us those special moments to tell people how special they are to us.

True Love ... Obeys!

What does true love do?

While true love waits, true love also obeys. Whatever happened to obedience?

The Hardest Grace of All

Can you really forgive?

Forgiving others when they have truly hurt us is the hardest grace of all.

A Child of God

Who are you?

Despite the ugliness we know lies within us, we are treasured and precious to God.

Safe With Dad

Can we trust that we are really safe?

God is always there to care for us and keep us from ultimate harm.

No Pain Like Your Child's Pain

How could God allow His Son to do it for us?

It hurts to see our children experiencing pain so imagine how God feels about our pain!

Good Surgeons Try to Minimize Blood Loss

What kind of heart enjoys destroying another?

Righteous hearts do not enjoy ripping apart another even when they other is wrong.

Loving God

Can you truly say

God longs for us to love him and how could we not love, both in our church worship (singing, praying, reading Scripture) and in our life of worship (obedience).

The Passion: How Has It Changed You?

Seeing the Passion has made a difference in many — how about you?

We need to ask ourselves what are we going to do with Jesus' passion in the long term.

Did Jesus Wear Glasses?

Do we know the real Jesus?

To remember anew how God sees me through the lenses of His love is a priceless gift. I was reminded in communion last Sunday, looking at my son, seeing God's son.

Everyone Loves a Lover

Why are some people just more loved than others?

People who love others tend to be the people everyone loves!

Work-Family Spillover

Can we keep the bad stuff in our day from leaking out?

We are called to not let our bad stuff from work spill over on our families and neighbors.

Love in Any Language

Can you communicate love across races, cultures, and language?

God communicated his love in a way that people of every language can understand: he did it through Jesus' death on the Cross.


Are you making the most of your moments?

During the holidays, we really miss loved ones lost to death, but we should let that be a reminder to seize each moment and fill it with love and joy.

Thermostat or Thermometer?

Are you a situation complainer or an environment changer?

We can be situation complainers -- thermostats -- or situation changers -- thermometers; Jesus' will, however, is that we be salt, light, and examples who display the fruit of the Spirit.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!


Is Jesus your friend?

There are all sorts defitions of friendship, but the bottom line is whether are not we are willing to let Jesus be our friend?

Eternal Gifts

What's eternal about about a power blue baby outfit?

So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.

The Search for Jesus' Love

Where can folks find Jesus' love in your town?

compassion, concern, care, Christ, love, Jesus, Church


How can we ever overcome humiliation?

If we don't bring back sinners whose sin has humiliated themselves, and if we we don't reach out to those who have been humiliated by others, then how can we claim we wear the name of Jesus?

God's Amazing Majesty and Grace

Can we dare speak with such familiarity to our holy and majestic God?

God is both majestic and gracious; can we draw near to him as sinners with familiarity and tenderness?