Max Lucado reminds us that love protects when others speak untruth, spread gossip, or destroy reputations.
05/15/2016 by Max Lucado
Are you like Jonah? Are there people you dislike so much that you don't want God to have mercy on them? Or are you willing to pray that all people come to know the truth?
02/25/2016 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on "The Andrew Effect" by focusing on connecting those we know with Jesus.
01/26/2016 by Phil Ware
Max Lucado reminds us that our life is made by what we choose to do with our character and our heart.
01/23/2016 by Max Lucado
This is a collection of "one another" passages in the New Testament, and primarily from Paul, that speaks about life together.
01/10/2016 by Scripture
Rubel Shelly tells a story about Tommy Luck and the baby that transformed a rough mining town and then reminds us Jesus did the same thing with the world.
12/25/2015 by Rubel Shelly,, all want to say thank you in the words of Scripture for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement.
11/26/2015 by Scripture
Phil Ware takes a moment to remind us of the importance of serving those who are caregivers and holding them up as heroes and recognizing that these people are considered precious in God's Kingdom.
11/09/2015 by Phil Ware
I love God because of how much he has done for me. I was reminded of this by watching Lulu, our rescue dog.
09/02/2015 by Steve Ridgell
Brian McCutchen reminds us that we are known, loved and valued by God.
08/22/2015 by Brian McCutchen
Parents will do what is best for their child no matter what. God will do what is best for his children also.
08/12/2015 by Steve Ridgell
Stacy Voss writes about her pain and a friend's pain at finding out that their husbands have been unfaithful and had repeated adulteries.
04/24/2015 by Stacy Voss
Phil Ware shares more of his recent trip to Fortaleza, Brazil with Compassion International and the Nerd Herd to visit Compassion sites, projects, children, and churches.
04/07/2015 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series called 50 shades of grace that focuses on the intimacy between a husband and wife in marriage.
03/09/2015 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware comes in right after Valentine's Day and reminds us about iceberg dates on our calendar that tend to sink us and overwhelm us with feelings of being alone, being failures, and being abandoned but that we can overcome them by crying out to Jesus
02/16/2015 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his short series on the Holy Spirit focusing on dancing with the Spirit and keeping in step with the Spirit.
01/19/2015 by Phil Ware
Rick Brown writes a beautiful story on the background of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a reminder that Jesus came for all of us misfits so we could know we fit in.
12/25/2014 by Rick Brown
Phil Ware continues his Christmas series on finding Jesus and emphasizes Jesus' promise to be real to us and near us and in us if we seek him and ask him.
12/15/2014 by Phil Ware
Ann Voskamp reminds us to listen with our heads and hearts and see social media and the Internet as a way to listen to hearts yearning to be loved.
10/31/2014 by Ann Voskamp
Jesus knows me. He know me better than I know myself. He loves me anyway. And I love that.
08/27/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Ann Voskamp writes to put all of the bad news of the last few weeks in perspective and suggests that we've been asking the wrong question, a misguided question, far too long?
07/25/2014 by Ann Voskamp
Phil Ware finishes the third in a series of posts that focus on the 2014 July mission trip to Lima, Peru and Sagrada Familia children's home and he focuses on the last day of saying good bye and welcoming new children into the family of God.
07/21/2014 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware writes about his latest trip to the Peruvian Orphanage (called Sagrada Familia) and Gladys and Arecelli.
07/17/2014 by Phil Ware
Teresa draws a parallel between what we can learn from our dogs and what we can learn from Jesus.
06/28/2014 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called the Journey home and he looks at the hardest lesson learned, that it is better to be a servant in our Father's house than to be on our own and alone.
06/16/2014 by Phil Ware