Articles Tagged 'Manger'

Christ our Hope!

You offer the invitation, and Jesus brings the blessing!

Max Lucado reminds us that Christ is our hope and that we can invite him into our lives anew, and to stay, this Christmas.

Jesus Came to Be One of Us! (SOR 4.1)

God didn't come to our world as a heavenly tourist with special arrangements to keep him safe and to give him special treatment in his journey through mortality with all its grit and danger.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights of Christmas and see that God came to be one of us in the gritty and dangerous birth of Jesus of Nazareth to a virgin named Mary and her faithful to Torah husband to be, Joseph the car

Treasuring God's Mystery in Our Hearts

The mystery, the wonder, the bewilderment, the delight, the fear, and the struggle as a new mom to God's Son were secreted in this hiding place of Mary's heart.

Phil Ware reminds us that Mary treasured all the things about Jesus' birth in her heart and we can find our treasure with Jesus as he comes to us in the manger at Advent.

Jesus Came to Be One of Us!

How can God know experientially how hard life can sometimes be for us?

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights and see that God came to be one of us in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

A Labor of Love

Jesus' birth was the collision of the gloriously divine and mundanely human. It was God entering our world through the birth canal of a woman.

Phil Ware shares some thoughts on what incarnation means as the collision of mortality and eternal, God in human flesh.

Jesus Came to Be One of Us!

We desperately need to push past the glitz of the season and remember the gritty grace of the manger and the glory of God incarnate in a helpless baby who came to be one of us!

James and Phil continue their series on The Story of Redemption by focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means for us.

This Collision of Grace

Greatness and grace reveal themelves in a world so real we can smell the manure and hear the breathing sounds of the Son of God.

Phil Ware reminds us of the discontinuity, the absolute collision, of the grime of our world and the glory of God in the birth of Jesus.

Every Heart a Manger

Have you invited him in?

Max Lucado reminds us to make our heart a manger and every day Christmas.

Jesus, Be Born in Me

Like Mary, we don't know fully what we are committing to do, but we know that our ultimate destination is Jesus.

Phil Ware reminds us of the gritty reality of Jesus' birth and Mary choosing to accept the challenge of being Jesus' mother and reminds us of our need to commit to have Jesus born in our lives.

Christ our Hope!

You offer the invitation, and Jesus brings the blessing!

Max Lucado reminds us that Christ is our hope and that we can invite him into our lives anew, and to stay, this Christmas.

One of Us!

Jesus didn't come to earth to be protected from life's harshest realities, but entered into mortality to share it all with us — the good, the bad, the ugly, and the painful!

James and Phil continue their series on The Story of Redemption by focusing on the birth of Jesus and what it means for us.

Give Me Jesus: Now

God came to us in a way that all of us could find him, know him, and find our way home!

This is part of a 4 part series on Jesus' birth called, "Give Me Jesus," and this one focuses on finding him now.

Give Me Jesus: BEFORE!

Who is that little child in that manger who looks so tiny and fragile?

Phil Ware begins a four series set of articles for Advent and this first one is called BEFORE and focuses on Jesus being God, pre-existent before the world began.

An Early Christmas Would Be Nice

Despite all the mess and the complications, God came to live among us being born in a place where animals fed.

Max Lucado reminds that Jesus, the Son of God, the Christ and Messiah, came to us in a manger in Bethlehem.

'Bah, Humbug', and 'Joy to the World'

Christians have a different perspective on many things... including Christmas.

Christmas is very difficult for many people. Is it really possible to find joy, peace, hope, and love this year.

Hope of the World

What can this old story powerfully say to our geopolitical messes of today?

Phil Ware shares his series for December 2015 on welcoming Jesus and focuses on the Magi from the gospel of Matthew and lets that story remind us our need to reach out to the lost and foreigner and alien and refugee among us.

Jesus. Birth!

Three different ways to tell the story of our Savior's birth — short form, Bible verses, video!

Phil Ware wishes everyone Merry Christmas for the Heartlight team and shares 3 different ways to share the story of Jesus at Christmas: a short form, the Bible text from "The Voice" Compass Bible and from a Worship House Media video about a child coming.

Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know?

Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end!

Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.

Pope Benedict 'Debunks' Christmas?

What's going on here with our traditions?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what is most important and truthful and what is legend about the Christmas story.

Communion and Christmas

What does all of this mean ... to you and me ... today?

Danny Sims shares insights into what God is saying in Jesus using the Communion we share at Christmas.

Christmas Is Near

So what do you celebrate during the holiday season?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we celebrate a holiday, we should do it to honor the Lord.

Away in a Manger

I wonder why that little nativity baby never seems to grow up

We have to remember that the cute little baby in the nativity scene grew up to die on a cross. As Christians, we need the power of the risen Lord who is much more than a tiny baby.

Worst Analogy

These analogies are so bad, they're like ...

God's love exhausts all analogies and can only be defined by what he did in Jesus on the cross and in the manger.

Buy Your Own Gifts!

Anything in your Christmas envelope?

An older lady's mistake with Christmas envelopes reminds us that God never forgets to pay for our gifts!

Winter Has Fallen

Can you find heaven's grace in this changing of seasons?

A surprising winter snow gives Phil the opportunity to think about the changes of seasons and the falling of grace on us all with the birth of Jesus.