Rubel Shelly reminds us through the words of Coach John Wooden that "What really counts in life is what you learn after you know it all."
10/20/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell reminds us that in the middle of giving thanks and offering gratitude for God, we should still have a holy discontent and recognize that we need more of Jesus.
12/04/2008 by Tom Norvell
Mike Barres reminds us that inadequacy is an opportunity for God's power to be displayed and God to be glorified.
11/14/2008 by Mike Barres
Rubel Shelly reminds us that we are not perfect yet, and admitting our failures and imperfections is not an excuse, but an opportunity to meet God and have his grace help us grow.
11/13/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Mike Barres challenges us to seek spiritual maturity.
11/01/2008 by Mike Barres
Russ Lawson has a claustrophobic experience with an MRI machine and it teaches him a lot about who he is and what God is doing in his life.
09/28/2008 by Russ Lawson
Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to allow new Christians and inquirers to have time to grow and mature and not subject them to over scrutiny to the point of killing them with caustic cleanliness.
08/05/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Janet Colbrunn shares her experiences as a grandparent to multiple multiples.
05/29/2008 by Janet Colbrunn
Mike Barres reminds us that mistakes and missteps are a part of life, an dwe can learn from them and grow through them.
05/16/2008 by Mike Barres
Phil Ware addresses the issue of church leadership, hypocrisy, and consumerism by pointing leaders to Paul's example in Colossians of pointing people to Jesus, praying for their maturity, and trusting in Him to supply the power as Paul worked strenuously
03/10/2008 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware talks about how powerful it is to look at the cost of freedom to identity of Mary Jesus' mother.
12/17/2007 by Phil Ware
Russ Lawson reminds us that faith is a muscle we exercise and when we do, we mature and grow in faith and spiritual strength.
11/29/2007 by Russ Lawson
Ron Rose reminds us that God is our Shepherd and he will comfort us, even during those awful times in the valley of the shadow of death.
09/29/2007 by Ron Rose
Alan Smith describes the empty nest syndrome from a humorous point of view, then goes to remind us that we are all in God's nest.
08/19/2007 by Alan Smith
In a world of suffering, God's Spirit offers Hope for Life.
08/08/2007 by Skye Noe
Paul Faulkner looks at the role maturity and unselfishness play in good families.
06/29/2007 by Paul Faulkner
In a world of bending and conforming, Christians need to learn to hold their ground.
06/13/2007 by Skye Noe
Ron Rose reminds us that we need to be investing in the future by helping others see the potential that God has for them.
06/02/2007 by Ron Rose
Alan Smith reminds us that we have to be moldable, to have a broken and contrite spirit if God is going to do anything with us.
05/19/2007 by Alan Smith
Phil looks at our spiritual journey to be conformed to Jesus and to go to our home with God and asks how we can get so bogged down in being critical of others who are not at the same point in their journey as we are.
05/07/2007 by Phil Ware
So often we look for short cuts or ways to cut corners to get to a goal that can only be reached by hard work, perserverance, and a willingness to keep on working over time.
04/12/2007 by Rubel Shelly
Philippians 3:12-16 and Philippians 1:6
01/01/2007 by Paul F
Learning to take things one hour and one step at a time helps this mother learn to make it when her premature baby is having problems in the hospital.
12/06/2006 by Denise Waldrop
Patrick Odum reminds us that to grow we have to stretch, reach, and sacrifice but that is more than worth the effort because Jesus gives us back far more than we can ever give.
11/30/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
External changes won't cut it, we need real spiritual transformation which comes from the Spirit of God.
07/17/2006 by Phil Ware