Articles Tagged 'Me' (Page 30)

Not Quite as We Have Told It

It's not the road you think, but it's the destination you seek!

Phil Ware goes over a number of inaccuracies that have crept in to our telling of the story of Jesus at Christmas, but reminds us that the main thing is that Jesus came for everyone and the more we know the story, the more we know it is true.

A Child Will Lead Them

What in the world does this mean?

Phil Ware redoes an older article focused on Jesus being the child that leads us.

Why Shepherds?

Of all the people to announce the coming of heaven's glory, why did God choose this bunch?

Phil Ware looks at the birth of Jesus and asks the very simple question: why did God reveal the birth of his Son to shepherds first?

Thankful for the Mercies

Here's something you don't want to forget at the table of thanks today!

Rick Brown reminds us to be thankful for God's mercies.

Line in the Sand: Baptize!

What is your line in the sand in your faith walk with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series called Last Words, First Priority and emphasizes the line in the sand moment we call baptism.

A Sure-Fire Investment

What are you going to do with today's opportunities?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to invest each day in simple acts of service to others.

Good News for Our Broken World

What hope is left when life is shattered?

Brian McCuthchen reminds us of the place of hope, refuge, and help when our world is broken.

Beautiful Feet: Go!

So how beautiful are your feet?

Phil Ware continues his four message series on Jesus' last words which must be our first priority.


Are you prepared for an emergency?

We shouldn't wait until we find ourselves in crisis to look for God.

The Scattered Church

How is the church like manure?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the church is sent, scattered, meant to infiltrate and penetrate the world and make a difference.

What Would You Say?

What in the world is love at last sight?

Phil Ware shares the four ways two are made into one in marriage: socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Someone Named Her 'Unwanted'

How do you ever overcome the name?

Rubel Shelly writes about the name Nakusa in India and how it means unwanted and asks how to you overcome a bad name.

An Expiry Date

So what is yours?

Russ Lawson reminds us that our expiration date is out there and we need to live as if we know we will one day expire.

The Home Stretch

Make that last effort to make it home!

Tom Norvell reminds us that we will all have difficult points in our journey, but let's finish strong, especially when we find ourselves in the home stretch.

He Did Not Retaliate

How did he hold back his power?

Tom Norvell reminds us that Jesus had the power to get even but did not retaliate in word or deed when he was reviled, mocked, belittled, mocked, and ridiculed.

Find the Plot to Your Dots

Can you tell what God is doing?

Ron Rose shares a very personal story about his daughter and her husband and their grandchildren and an adoption and reminds us of car games when he was a child.

Just One: One Note

How can help when I overwhelmed with the need?

Phil Ware introduces many of us to the principle of doing for one what you wish you could do for everyone and how it helps us know whom to help with so many needs around us!

Coming to Terms with Change

Don't like change? Here's something worse and something better!

Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.

One Tune!

How can we learn God's will for this time in our lives?

Phil Ware uses Jesus' example in Mark 1 to show how we can begin to deal with our feelings of being overwhelmed with everything confronting us and do the most important thing, the One Tune God wants us to play with our lives.

Fit Fat

Christians sometimes practice false advertising.

You cannot be healthy without effort. It is the same with Christianity.

Roads Without Potholes

Why would we ever want potholes in the road?

Rubel Shelly writes about potholes, discouragement, disappointments, pain, grief, wounds that occur in our lives and how they are part of the fabric of life and necessary to develop our character.

Got a Problem with God?

Are you willing to find some answers?

Ron Rose talks about dealing with pain and disappointments with God by tracking down the issues and finding the truth and not just living in pain and bitterness.

Come Away With Me

How depleted are you?

Phil Ware writes on withdrawal and rest with the Savior and our need for his grace and mercy and blessing and power and support and prayer and strength.

A Promised Pardon

Billy the Kid is still waiting

We all need a pardon from God, forgiveness for our sins. But He won't make us wait.

If the Shoe Fits

Are you chosen?

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections based on his Sagrada Familia mission trip to the orphans of The Community.