Articles Tagged 'Men' (Page 16)

Be Intentional about What Matters Most

What is really most important in your family?`

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to be intentional or what we view as important gets lost in the busyness of life.

The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace

Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this?

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

A Little Washing

Getting a little bored, then try a little God-adventure!

Ron Rose reminds us to find the faith moments in our days and step off and let God lead us in a little adventure.

How to Handle Criticism

How do you handle it when people come down on you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we have big dreams or want to be used by God significantly, we will have plenty of critics, but don't let them stop you and he gives several different pieces of good advice.

When Endings Are Complicated, God Is Still Gracious

What do you do when the endings are not always happy ones?

Ron Rose reminds us that not all faith stories have happy endings and that sometimes we have to wade on through tragedy with faith.

How Long, Lord?

Can you keep hanging in there?

Tom Norvell leads us to Psalm 6 and helps us ask, "How long, Lord?" because we all have times when we can barely hang on any longer.

Christ at the Center

So what is our faith really about?

Phil Ware talks about what is most important about the Bible and the focus of Scripture and the answer is simple: Jesus must be the center of everything.

God Is Our Hope

When you sift through the rubble, what hope do you find?

Tom Norvel shares several observations from being out of his house for more than six months and how it relates to our spiritual lives.

How Old Do You Want To Be?

So how is your retirement plan?

Russ Lawson reminds us that what we pursue for security and to help us live longer really determines the quality of our lives in our older years, and God must be the center of all of that.

Last Will and Testament

What did you get in the will?

Alan Smith tells the story of a wild will and how Jesus' last will and testament is far different and far better!

Money Really Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Are you enslaved to the desire of always wanting more and better?

Money really doesn’t grow on trees -- and some of us are growing more aware of this fact every day. Truthfully, most people deal with financial stress

Good News on Marriage?

Is there actually some good news out there on marriage?

Rubel Shelly reflects on the declining number of divorces per population since the 80's and talks about the importance of preparation and commitment in making a marriage work.

Planting Seeds for the Future

Are you planting any seeds for tomorrow?

Ron Rose reminds us that we need to be investing in the future by helping others see the potential that God has for them.

Life is Short

Is your life actually going to be very short?

Patrick Odum tells about a guy who thought he had pancreatic cancer and lived it up his last year of life and then found out the cancer diagnosis was wrong.

Multi-talented Mommy Ears

Does he really care about all this mess?

When bad things happen, we need to realize that God does see and care and will remember.

Victory Over Loss and Anger

Can we really ever get over our losses?

Loss of a dream, losing a loved one, is not fair and can often leave us confused and angry, so how do we cope with it, by turning it over to God and living for him.

Dumb Questions We Ask after a Tragedy

Why do we keep allowing people to ask these things?

Rubel is pretty fed up with the dumb questions that people ask after a tragedy and reflects on how maybe if we prayed more and prattled less these things would not be as frequent.

Longing for Friendship

Are you willing to take the risk?

We all need a friend or brother or sister with whom we can confess, share our story, and find deep and meaningful friendship.

Men and the Struggle for Purity

How are you doing in your struggle to be pure?

Men have a real struggle to live pure lives, but a small group that holds us accountable and confession can help.

Commitment Sunday

How much would Mildred Budge commit?

Mildred Budge goes to church decked out on commitment Sunday.

Healing and the New Way

There is more to salvation than forgiveness!

Conversion is more than just a one time forgiveness, it is about learning a new way of life.

Better than Therapy

Do you have a good friend?

While some people need therapy, most folks need a good friend most of all and a good friend can do a whole lot of good at healing their hearts.

A Tradition Like No Other

Do we have a Master's tradition?

Tom compares the Masters, a golf tournament that is a tradition like no other and suggests that we can follow Jesus as our Master, and use the love commands to be our tradition like no other and this will revolutionize our lives.

Cutting Corners

Most important things require us to hang in and hang touch to get to our destination!

So often we look for short cuts or ways to cut corners to get to a goal that can only be reached by hard work, perserverance, and a willingness to keep on working over time.

Confessions of a Perfectionist

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.