Articles Tagged 'Mist' (Page 2)

Leaving the Past, Living the Kingdom

How can I escape my past?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we need to live for the present to help others and keep our focus on the matters of the Kingdom rather than let our lives get filled with regret for the past.

What Reveals Your Character?

So how do you do in those challenging situations?

Phil Ware continues his letters to his grown children Zachary and Megan about the principles his dad tried to instill in him, and this week the focus is on how we treat people that the rest of folks don't feel they have to treat nicely.

Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land

Let's celebrate TRUE freedom

Despite common misconceptions, freedom is not granted by governments, nor won on a battlefield. True freedom comes from God and God alone.

Confessions of a Perfectionist

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.

My Mistakes

How much of my mess can God actually forgive?

God can forgive all of our mistakes, sins, and failiures.

The Mercy Bank

How well do you show genuine mercy toward those who let you down?

We have to show mercy to others when they let us down because we need mercy for our mistakes and mess ups!

I Messed Up Your Butter

Are you willing to admit your offenses?

When the world sees us, do we show that we are willing to admit our failures and seek to make things right?

Rise Up Singing

What's your favorite way to sing?

Singing changes and so must we, but the bigger issue is that we sing!

Ouch! Oops! Owie!

What do you do when you mess up?

I messed up by assigning the wrong author to the article, but I'm not going to rationalize my mistake away!

The Next Day

What are you going to do on the next day?

We all face the let down of failures on the next day; how will we handle the next day?

A Penny Saved is a Lesson Learned

How can an old penny teach a life lesson?

Children seem to learn better from their mistakes than we as adults do, especially when it comes to sinful things.

Graceful Recovery

What have you set on fire recently?

The best way to deal with a goof is to admit and learn from it.

The Gipper on Good Intentions

Do good intentions let you off the hook for bad actions?

Having good intentions doesn't offset bad decisions, actions, or words.

Dodging Our Own Explosions

How do we get out of the way of our own explosions?

When we try to do things by our own insight, we invariably end up blowing up everything; we need to go to God to help us through our messes!