Phillip Morrison talks about Kevin Durant's MVP speech and his own mom as the MVP.
05/11/2014 by Phillip Morrison
Mom, our mothers, pay a high price for loving us and bringing us to Jesus.
05/10/2014 by Phil Ware
Cathy Messecar shares a beautiful story about an adoptive mom and dad who have shown tenacious and beautiful love to a young man born with very challenging physical limitations.
05/09/2014 by Cathy Messecar
Teresa Bell Kindred reminds us of the danger of the wind and of sin and the resulting fall that each can lead us to make.
05/03/2014 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Terese Bell Kindred reminds mothers and grandmothers of the importance of a child's and grandchild's first five years of life and the urgency of making a God impression on them while we can.
03/08/2014 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Ann Voskamp reminds women and their daughters about the dangers of comparison and how it belittles the work of God going on in each person we see.
11/08/2013 by Ann Voskamp
Rubel Shelly talks about Davion Navar Henry Only and his search for his mother and a forever family who will love him unconditionally.
11/01/2013 by Rubel Shelly
Ann Voskamp talks about this year's wheat harvest and how it reminds her of God's grace and message of love when she was once in France and how communion is about love and love is about sacrifice.
10/25/2013 by Ann Voskamp
Lisa Mikitarian tells us a wonderful story about the Father's grace revealed in a young girl's fall with the cupcakes made to honor her beloved grandmother.
07/06/2013 by Lisa Mikitarian
Sarah Holley challenges us to focus on our own actions, ask for forgiveness, and prepare for the next trigger encounter after we have come to grips with the latest time we've blown it.
06/28/2013 by Sarah Holley
Lisa Mikitarian shares an event in the life of her daily routine with her son and how her reaction to a broken mug leads to even more destruction and a family lesson.
06/13/2013 by Lisa Mikitarian
Phil Ware uses the story of Eve and Seth to give us encouragement for those times when we think we've failed as a parent.
05/12/2013 by Phil Ware
Phillip Morrison offers Encouraging Words about Mother's Day and the red or white flowers we wear in honor and to remember our mothers.
05/10/2013 by Phillip Morrison
Phil Ware shares a recent heart-gripping moment they had with their compassion child from Uganda and what it all means as he remembers a trip from 5 years ago with Compassion Bloggers.
02/22/2013 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware describes several passages of Scripture that use the image of a mother bird or a woman in labor to express their love for new Christians, and then says this is the highest compliment a mom can receive.
05/13/2012 by Phil Ware
Bill Sherrill reminds us that the manger and the promises given to Mary would make the Cross seem impossible to understand until the empty tomb and the resurrection brought back the praise the angels gave on the day he was born.
12/29/2011 by Bill Sherrill
Phil Ware finishes his series on the Windows to Wonder, on Mary the mother of Jesus, the Messiah, the Lord, and Savior, and reminds us that we can all be part of Jesus' forever family.
05/26/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Mary the mother of Jesus called window to wonder and talks about Mary forming Jesus.
05/05/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins a 4 part series on Mary, the mother of Jesus, called Windows to Wonder, and talks about how the angel left Mary and Mary's life began to unfold with challenges and difficulties, but she maintained faith.
04/29/2011 by Phil Ware
The Child Survival Program from Compassion International is making great strides for mothers and babies in Ecuador.
01/29/2011 by Ben Steed
Some surprises on mother's day are not wanted.
05/08/2010 by Alan Smith
We don't find our identity in our roles or our status. Our identity is found in Jesus Christ.
05/05/2010 by Kay Talley
Phil Ware writes a meditation on what Mary may have thought as she stood at the foot of Jesus' cross as he died, using the theme of wood in his life to connect the story.
04/01/2010 by Phil Ware
Katha Winther shares a tradition she picked up from her mother and that we should pass along to others along the way: give a little something extra.
02/23/2010 by Katha Winther
Ron Rose talks about Amy who went to Mother Teresa's Dying Destitutes and found that by touching the broken and dying you looked into the face of God, and we can do the same if we take the time to draw close
01/26/2010 by Ron Rose