Lois Tverberg reminds us how the Bible begins and that in Hebrew, this very first sentence of the Scriptures reminds us that mysteries will remain for us about God, the One Who Is more.
06/13/2023 by Lois Tverberg
Ron Rose reminds us that without the Holy Spirit alive in us, we have no guide to help us understand the Scriptures, much less God or Jesus or the holy plans and promises for us!
02/02/2023 by Ron Rose
Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online worship through words and music using YouTube videos to help us understand and connect emotionally with God's mystery to bring things together in Christ.
11/05/2022 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share the meaning of Jesus' incarnation in word and video using a simple but powerful allegory.
12/09/2021 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus and transformation and focuses today on our walking with Jesus each day in the gospels and learning his words and talking with him and taking on on his character and compassion as the Spirit transforms us.
08/19/2021 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware's first in a four article series on Jesus' work of transformation in us, this week, we are called to follow Jesus.
08/12/2021 by Phil Ware
Melissa Troyer reminds us of the breathtaking partnership we have with Christ to remain in the process of transformation.
08/10/2021 by Melissa Troyer
Phil Ware compares Jesus to a keyhole through which we look at God and the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see God and gives us a reading plan to discover more!
05/06/2021 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share the meaning of Jesus' incarnation in word and video using a simple but powerful allegory.
12/04/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights of Christmas and see that God came to be one of us in the gritty and dangerous birth of Jesus of Nazareth to a virgin named Mary and her faithful to Torah husband to be, Joseph the car
06/05/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us not to put away Jesus with the Christmas lights and blow up snowman, but to remember that Christ is alive in us!
01/15/2020 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell reminds us what it means to be in the hands of the potter!
01/05/2020 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware reminds us that Mary treasured all the things about Jesus' birth in her heart and we can find our treasure with Jesus as he comes to us in the manger at Advent.
12/18/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us to push past the glittering lights and see that God came to be one of us in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.
05/19/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware compares Jesus to a keyhole through which we look at God and the closer we get to Jesus the more clearly we see God.
07/20/2015 by Phil Ware
Ron Rose challenges us to mystery, kingdom, living as we remain childlike but not childish.
08/24/2010 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware shares a principle from Colossians and asks us to think about how Jesus would respond to this desperate housewife.
10/13/2008 by Phil Ware
Alan Smith talks about the concept of mystery from Colossians and Ephesians and how God has revealed his mystery.
09/12/2008 by Alan Smith