Rubel Shelly shares a prayer for the New Year as we begin 2008.
01/01/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell reminds us about the nature of regrets and the wish we hadn't done what we've done, so he encourages us to live life differently.
08/30/2007 by Tom Norvell
Sarah Stirman reminds us that when we use our hands to serve the Lord, we are seen as beautiful and he gives us strength to serve him.
08/12/2007 by Sarah Stirman
We can't really appreciate God's good news until we've had a taste of the bad news.
08/01/2007 by Tim Archer
Tom Norvel reminds us of Jesus' promise to give us rest if we will come close to him and follow him and spend time with him and learn from him.
07/29/2007 by Tom Norvell
What Christians share in common is much greater than any differences than could seem to separate them.
07/25/2007 by Steve Ridgell
Russ Lawson is blessed and k ows further blessings await when he embraces change and leaves his religious cocoon.
06/30/2007 by Russ Lawson
Phil Ware shares what God does for us when we sleep.
06/25/2007 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware talks about the weariness of ministry and reminds us that it is not enough to simply get away and rest, we must get away and be with Jesus.
06/18/2007 by Phil Ware
Conversion is more than just a one time forgiveness, it is about learning a new way of life.
04/21/2007 by Mike Barres
God's springtime reminds us that new life is possible and that God is on doing new things in our lives and that a better future awaits us as week seek to live with the Lord forever!
04/07/2007 by Bill Sherrill
Hanging and persevering is worth it because joy follows morning just as morning follow night.
04/06/2007 by Paul Faulkner
I have the greatest remote control anywhere. It is amazing what it can do with my television. If I miss something, I can replay it until I catch it, and then jump back into real time.
04/04/2007 by Steve Ridgell
No matter how ugly your feet may look, if you share the good news of Jesus, God says they are really beautiful.
03/29/2007 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Whatever commitments you made for the new year I hope you're keeping them, but more importantly my hope and prayer is that you are holding on to the commitment to love Christ. are holding on to the commitment to love Christ.
03/21/2007 by Skye Noe
We’ve gotten better and better at correcting mistakes on our computer. God, through His son Jesus, let’s us correct life’s mistakes in an even more amazing way.
03/14/2007 by Tim Archer
Grace is amazing because of all the great things it does for us and changes in us.
02/19/2007 by Phil Ware
Ron reminds of how hard change and new things are by talking about a move to a new school at a critical time. But, unless we risk and make changes, we will never find the life God longs to bring to us.
02/08/2007 by Ron Rose
So often we don't try new things and stay stuck in our rut rather than seeing God's opportunities and call to be God's people.
02/04/2007 by Mike Barres
Tom prays to God that all that he has seen, heard, experienced, and known in worship will change his heart and move him to be the person God wants him to be.
01/31/2007 by Tom Norvell
We can continue to grow and mature and flourish if we choose to do so, even until we are quite old.
01/06/2007 by Jamie Shell & Brent Nidiffer
Like a work of improvisational jazz, life is a journey from one new thing to another.
01/05/2007 by Paul Faulkner
This is simply a prayer for us to use the New Year wisely and well.
01/03/2007 by Tom Norvell
Forgiveness is forgetting to remember the hurts you forgave and giving others, and yourself a fresh start on life.
12/29/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Jesus wasn't just born into our world in the womb of Mary, but he longs to be born into our world again in each individual Christian the Holy Spirit gives birth to in the world.
12/11/2006 by Phil Ware