Articles Tagged 'Obedience' (Page 3)

Warning Tickets

What would be your excuse if God pulled you over?q

We often want God to be a traffic cop who only gives warning tickets.

The Code Breaker

Can we really break the code?

While there is much ado about the Da Vinci code, the real proof of Christianity's vitality and truth to the younger generation will be seen our living of the truth of Jesus.

Your Will Be Done

Can you really pray this every single day?

Even though it is hard to pray it and truly mean, we must pray, "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"

He Is Lord

Do you want the Lord without the Lordship?

We all too often want to have the promises of God without commitment to his Kingdom work.

What's Your Diet?

What really is the value of food?

Food has been an object of fascination for a variety of reasons, but Jesus has helped us determine the value of a good diet.

People of Truth

Do you really KNOW the truth?

Real knowledge is experiential knowledge: knowledge we've gained by acting on the truth.


What are you filling your tank with?

We can think we are following God's will, but the only way to know for sure is by consulting his word.

Mountain on Your Right

Are you really trying to please God or yourself?

Rather than following the whims of culture, let's obey God's word.

Things I Learned from Noah

Can we really learn anything from Noah?

We must remember that faith should move us to obey and to act and to be faithful.

If Only I Could Be Spiritual

Are you are spiritual person?

Spirituality is about who you are on a daily basis.

Doing Things Religiously

How are you doing on your spiritual exercises?

Worship is more than what happens every seventh day, it is all of our lives.

You Are the Way

Why don't we do it God's way?

While we know the will of God, we often do things our way instead of His way.

Is It Your Time?

How will you know it is your time?

Jesus doesn't expect us to do what we can't know to do, but he does expect us to do what we know to do.

What I Dun in Texas!

Are you a person of talk or action?

A cowboy helps us ask ourselves whether or not we are all talk or if we walk the talk?

Not My Problem

When does the trip to the dentist bother you?

We need to let the word of God speak to us and not worry about applying it to everyone else.

True Love ... Obeys!

What does true love do?

While true love waits, true love also obeys. Whatever happened to obedience?

Do We Really Believe What He Said?

When does every nation begin next door?

Why is it so hard for us to reach out and share the Gospel with those nearby, much less with the whole world?

Who Are We Letting Behind the Wheel?

Who is driving your agenda?

A 12-year-old behind the wheels helps wake us all up to who is behind the wheel.

Hot, Hot, Hot

How hot is it where you are?

God calls us to decide for him or against -- he wants us to be hot, on fire for him.