Articles Tagged 'Older'

A Journey of Love and Care

Finding Hope and Support in Times of Need!

Finding help for aging adults with Alzheimer's, ALS, and other mobility-related issues is essential to care for those you love fully.


What big things — have you learned in life? How do you know that the big things are big things?

Ron Rose wants us all to ask ourselves some important questions at this stage in our lives to be ready to instruct those who are younger and also ourselves.

ToGather: Life that Lasts (May 16, 2021)

Sometimes a single, short, straightforward passage from Proverbs gives us two gems to help us live fruitful and long lives!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to celebrate the greatness of Jesus our Lord and learn to live for him from others and help others learn to live for him, as well!

We're Not There Yet!

Why does time move so much more quickly now that I'm older?

Phillip Morrison shares ideas and input on our perception of aging and birthdays.

Bill Knapp's Keeps Me up at Night

How can an out of business restaurant speak to churches?

Mark Frost of Interim Ministry Partners shares a powerful parable about Bill Knapp's restaurants and America's quick fix mentality about the North American church and its troubles.

What's Keeping You from Joining the Party

Have you missed the story about the other son?

Rick Brown writes about the prodigal son parable and reminds us that there are two sons who are lost and need to come home to the heart of the father and join the party he longs to throw for both of them!

The Hardest Lesson Lost

Are we the older brothers?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home focusing this week on the older brother and the hardest lesson to lose: that it is better in the Father's house!

Wasted Time!

Haven't we all wasted enough time piddling around when there is a party going on?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home, and he focuses on the older brother and God's desire to throw him a party.

When these Ol' Walls Can't Speak

Can you capture the memories even if you can't hear the words?

Phil Ware begins a series of messages called "The Journey Home" and focuses on God being the home we long for.

Living Large

Aren't you tired of living within a shallow, narrow, selfish box?

Rubel Shelly tells about a Canadian couple who won the lottery and donated all but 2% of what they won to charity.

Limitless Mercy

How could He love us so?

Tammy Marcelain talks about Henri Nouwen's book and also about the prodigal son and the great love of God.

You Know You're Getting Older When ...

Older, better, or simply honoring God?

Russ Lawson begins with a humorous story about aging, but then reminds us of God's perspective and the importance of not worrying about aging, but seeking to live for God each day.

Ready to Vanish Away

Are you ready?

Alan Smith reminds us that we are all vanishing away, our bodies grow older and we face challenges, but understanding this and what it means to us is dependent upon our relationship with Christ.

How Old Do You Want To Be?

So how is your retirement plan?

Russ Lawson reminds us that what we pursue for security and to help us live longer really determines the quality of our lives in our older years, and God must be the center of all of that.

Everything Is Yours!

How much difference should it make in our lives to know it all is ours?

Tom Norvell remembers the words of the father to the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal son that everything the father has is his, it belongs to him.

The Days They Pass So Quickly Now

How fast is your life?

Change, and the days pass quickly and we grow old and time flies by, so we better use them to our advantage and God's glory.

Changing as We Grow Older

What things change for the better as we grow older?

Change for the better only happens if our goal is Jesus and our power to change is the Holy Spirit?

When I Was Your Age

What can you do now that you won't be able to do in 30 years?

Young and old both have things that they alone can do and both must be respected.

Wonder Working Power

Why can't we see the power of the Holy Spirit in less exciting ways?

Even if our time in life means we have to slow down, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit quits working in us; we can see his power in the small things he does in our lives.