Articles Tagged 'One' (Page 8)

Re: Vision 2020

What do we see when we look at how the early church met?

Phil Ware talks about the public and house-to-house size gatherings that the early church used to grow and take care of itself.

Losing My Mind?

Is this where you are right now?

Russ Lawson reminds us that with so many things going on, we need to remember just the one important thing.

Promises Kept!

How do you know you can trust the promises of Jesus?

Phil Ware talks about the promises of Jesus and how we know we can trust them: because he kept the hard and painful promises to die for us.

Calling Home

Your Father is waiting to hear from you!

Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.

Well Done!

Don't you just love to hear the words said to you!

Tom Norvell reminds of how beautiful it will be to hear "Well done!" from the Lord and how important it is for us to say it to each other until his coming.

Good News about Tomorrow

There's a wave of truthfulness headed down the pipeline!

Rubel Shelly talks about his medical ethics class and the importance these students put on telling the truth in all situations.

Why Such Bad Answers?

Where did this try it before you buy idea come from?

Rubel Shelly talks about the try it before you buy idea, the test drive mentality, that infests the idea about marriage in modern society and he boils the problem down to selfishness.

Lord, Please Hear Our Prayers

When's the last time you waited on the Lord in prayer?

Tom Norvell reminds us of the importance of praying honestly to God about all the challenging times in our lives.

Cancelled Debt

It's not just forgiven, it's cancelled!

Patrick Odum talks about an amazing overcharge on cigarettes and reminds us of another huge debt that has gone up in smoke.

A New Normal

What are you going to do in the new financial environment?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the economic times, especially the financial downturn, gives us an opportunity to learn new things and establish new values, more biblical values, in our approach to consumption, greed, and ownership.

Has It Passed?

Somethings are just more difficult than others, until we have what others have to endure.

Lisa Mikitarian reflects on the passing of her husband's kidney stone and is caught up in the pain of two more passings.

What Difference Can One Make?

Can one person really make a difference

Phil Ware looks at Ruth and Naomi and the difference one faithful person can make in everything!

Only a Keystroke Away

Are our emails, IM's, and text messages really enough?

Russ Lawson talks about the the blessings of our high tech communication, cyberspace-style communication, and challenges us to face-to-face encouragement.

Love Path 911: Can We Have a Good Marriage?

After all that has happened, can we have a good marriage?

Joe Beam answers the reader's question about having a good marriage again after all the hurt and sinfulness?


Who is my neighbor?

Phil Ware talks about the parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus calls us to neighboring.

Christ in the House

Where have you declared King's X with Jesus?

Phil Ware takes us back to Colossians 3 and challenges us to take a close look at the places where we do not allow Jesus to be Lord of our lives.


Are you telling it straight with God, or bending the truth a little?

Bill Denton introduces us to a new word, communifaking, and also challenges us to communicate truthfully.

People Like Me!

When's the last time you celebrated someone different from you?

Patrick Odum describes a city wide gathering of people who are different in many ways but find their unity in one thing -- Jesus!

Sharing Her Grandpa

Now this is what it means to care like family!

Rubel Shelly tells a story about a granddaughter named Avery who shared her grandpa with a little boy alone on grandparents' day at her school.

Far from Home

Do you ever feel out of place?

Do you ever feel out of place? Like you just don't belong? Maybe when you're visiting with a group of acquaintances, and you just can't seem to relate to them.

Horrifying Halloween

How can it be worse?

Phil Ware writes about children being valued for who they are.

Face the Mirror and Face the Music

You mean he means me?

Patrick Odum confronts us with the words of John the baptist about repentance and how we need to face ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Untangling Family Knots

Can it really get better if we get closer?

Ann Voskamp uses a boy's three-legged race to be the reminder that in a family, and in life, the closer we get the better we are.

A Little Spunk Needed?

Isn't this what we need instead of hand-wringing?

Rob Frazier sees a girl overcoming a handicap and it reminds him how we need to address our financially troubling times.

How Money Buys Happiness

Money can buy happiness?

Rubel Shelly helps us see how money buys happiness, by using it to help others who are in need!