Articles Tagged 'Out' (Page 7)

Rap or Not ... It's for the Lord

Can anything good come from rap music?

Can a Christian father learn a lot about faith from his rappin' son and the rap he wrote to be sung at church?

Ministering to Our Friends

How do we make life among our friends more enjoyable?

Friends can help friends if they love them and minister to them.

Scream Free Parenting

Can you truly parent without the loud volumes and the moments of being out of control?

Parenting can be done scream free, but not because we focus on our children, but because we focus on ourselves.


When's the last time you helped a lost person?

What would happen in church, church folks, got serious about seeking lost people like Jesus did?

Expanding Your Circle of Friends

How big is your circle?

We all need more friends, but the way to have them is to invest the time and offer others our friendship

Dead Tires and Road Trash

What will you find at the side of the road this time of year?

Road trash and tire debris challenges Phil to remember exactly who it was that Jesus reached and ask why we don't reach them today?

Hold to His Hand

Whose hand do you hold when things get tough?

In the middle of our struggles, we need to remember that we need to reach out for God's unchanging hand.

Little Things, Done Faithfully

Are you willing to do all those tedious, little things of love?

Little things, done faithfully, like taking out the garbage, are the glue, the grace, of ongoing and lasting relationships and marriages.


How do you get un-stuck?

Stuck in an airport trying to get home, Phil realizes several lessons about getting un-stuck spiritually.

Dealing with the Ruts

Isn't it time to see what lies beyond the top of your rut?

Getting out of the rut is not only possible, but it can be fun, creative, and stimulating if we choose for it to be.

Do Something for Someone Else

What are you doing for someone else these days?

Jesus thought about others and helped them all the time and so must we.

A Hands-on Sort of Guy

Are you a hands-on kind of person?

God calls us to be a people and a person who touches hurting people because Jesus was willing to touch us.

Fruitcake of the Heart

So what are you doing holding on to that in your heart?

We hang on to so much unnecessary and unhelpful stuff that we need to let go and forgive.

What if We Can?

Is there any way to really reach the whole world?

Danny Sims, a friend and supporter of Heartlight reminds us that we can reach the whole world through Heartlight.

Beware of Befriending your Fears

What is your fear keeping you from doing?

Fear can keep us from many things, but mostly fear keeps us from life!

Family to Those Who Are Alone

Are we really to be family to those who don't have family?

We've got to show the world that we will actually love them way we claim we will.

Our Heavenly Father

Is God really your Father?

When we approach God in prayer, it needs to be more than by rote, but instead as if we were speaking to our Father.

A Matter of Perspective

So how does your day look?

So much of life is a matter of perspective; we can choose to be glad.

The Thanksgiving Hooke

Do you remember this little boy from the first Thanksgiving?

A little boy about whom we know nothing shows us the way to the meaning of thanksgiving.

Handling Rejection

How do you handle being rejected because you are a Christian?

There are times when we are going to be rejected because we are Christians.

His Little Ones!

What child have you touched with Jesus' grace lately?

Children are a blessing, a gift, and a responsibility: how we treat the least and most insignificant says a lot of how we would treat Jesus.

When I Was Your Age

What can you do now that you won't be able to do in 30 years?

Young and old both have things that they alone can do and both must be respected.

What Would You Hear?

What captures your attention in a tragedy?

God cares about all people, all races, all nationalities in a tragedy and so should we.

Do You Get the Point?

How much to help those who need someone in their lives?

The real point of life is being willing to be a friend those who need relationships.

Those Less Welcome?

How are we doing at welcoming in those not everyone else likes?

We must welcome those other reject and leave out because that is what Jesus did.