Articles Tagged 'Over' (Page 8)

The Lost Art of Giving Thanks

When's the last time you felt the joy of being truly thankful?

We need to recover the lost art of giving thanks and there are some steps we can take to do just that.

Seek Me and Live

What happens when a nation loses its way?

God convicts Israel because of her sin. We must pray not to be this nation.

The Hope That is Within You

When betrayal rocks your marriage, is there a place for hope?

An account of how an affair rocked two marriages, but resources online helped provide the solution and hope to reconciliation.

Losing What You Started With

Have we lost signt of what we really intended to do?

So often we end up forgetting why we started something and do away with it just to keep up all the commotion.

Work-Family Spillover

Can we keep the bad stuff in our day from leaking out?

We are called to not let our bad stuff from work spill over on our families and neighbors.

Covered Signs

Are we keeping the grace of God hidden from outsiders?

So often we cover the signs of God's grace in us with our own pettiness and sinfulness.

Time for a Rewind?

Can we really get do-overs?

God offers us something better than a do-over, mulligan, and second chance; he offers us forgiveness and cleansing.


Are you putting off a confrontation with the enemy?

We often try to deny or feel sorry about the attacks of Satan in our lives rather than resisting and fighting him with the spiritual power God has given us.

Haunting Words

Grace for the times an eraser can't undo what we say.

We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.

Sabbath Rest: The Key to Revived Spirits

I just don't have enough time!

God designed us to need a Sabbath rest -- not as Law, but as grace.