Articles Tagged 'Pa' (Page 13)

Refuse to Make Jesus Boring

How can we make the message of life so boringly predictable?

Phil Ware begins a series of 5 messages on Inviting Jesus to church; this one focuses on not making the message of Jesus boring.

The Plateaued Church

What happens when culture passes us by?

Tim Woodroof continues his series on the ways we need to freshen our approach to church if we are going to connect with people in today's world and how we react to our own church issues.

When You Lead

Serving to bless is also the foundation on which we lead.

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the real definition of a leader as someone who serves others because leadership is always for the sake of others.

My Refrigerator Kid

She had jumped off my fridge and into my heart.

MeLissa LeFleur shares the her story about sponsoring a child through Compassion International.

All Undone

Can the Lord help put me back together so I can keeping serving those I server for Him?

Michele Howe shares with us a poignant story of a woman caregiver and the loss of a client, or patient, and friend, and how it wipes her out and discourages her until she finds a way to bless this friend and her family and goes to the Father in prayer.

Following God in the Wilderness

Can you hear the sound of trumpets?

Mark Frost continues his four part series on the interim season and comparing it to Israel's time in the wilderness and how God fashioned, shaped, molded, corrected, honed, built, re-built, transformed, his people through their time in the wilderness of t

Revelation & Transformation in the Wilderness

Can something good come from our time in the wilderness?

Mark Frost continues his series on interim ministry and Israel's time in the wilderness

The Thing about Sorrow

What can we do when we can't walk in the shoes of another in grief?

Lisa Mikitarian shares from current events and from her own experience about the grief and sorrow those we love face and how to help them -- support them, come alongside of them to support, care, and love them.

A Mother's Beautiful and Tenacious Grace

This is how much a mother can love!

Cathy Messecar shares a beautiful story about an adoptive mom and dad who have shown tenacious and beautiful love to a young man born with very challenging physical limitations.

Sharing Your Birthday

See how sharing your birthday can make a big difference.

Sharing your birthday could change the life of a child forever.

Hope in the Wilderness

How do we live in the interim?

Mark Frost of shares part 1 of a 4 part series on the interim season by comparing it to the journey through the wilderness.

Compassion after Easter

Why not give the gift of new life to a child who is waiting for someone to help them experience grace?

Phil Ware gives three reasons to sponsor a child with Compassion International.

Of First Importance

So what is the most important day in your life?

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the importance of the last week of Jesus' life.

Hate Crime or Love Offering?

So what, or who, really put Jesus on the cross?

Phil Ware writes on this day after Palm Sunday about Jesus' ultimate destination in Jerusalem, with the triumphal entry, the conflict with the leaders, and his betrayal, death, and resurrection.

I Wonder What I Don't Get?

There's a lot the disciples missed about Jesus, I wonder what I am not getting?

Phil Ware thinks about the disciples not getting Jesus' repeated statements about going to Jerusalem, being rejected, being crucified, and being raised from the dead.

Do You Believe in Miracles? Yes!

Do you really believe?

Phillip Morrison challenges us to face the resurrection and believe or disbelieve, and he promotes believing because you can trust the testimony of those who have their throats cut.

Experience Immanuel

Why do we settle for so much less of Jesus than He promised us?

Phil Ware finishes up his 5 part series on experiencing Immanuel and summarizes the content of the four previous articles.

Love Will Travel

Why is the Great Commission so important for us as well as the rest of the world?

Phil Ware does part 4 in a 5 part series on the Immanuel passages in Matthew, this week is the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20, focusing on cross cultural outreach and disciple-making, something much more involved than just evangelism.

Potholes Ahead

While we cannot accurately predict the future, for most of us, there will be potholes in our path!

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not get knocked off our path when we encounter potholes, even big bad ones that do damage, but to keep pressing on and persevering toward the call of God.

Jesus with Dirt on His Face and No Place to Sleep

Have you seen Jesus here?

Phil Ware continues his leadership series on the Immanuel Sayings or ways to experience Jesus, this one focuses on compassionate service.

Life Among the Outcasts

Where does your church meet?

Rubel Shelly talks about a book he read recently, "Sanctuary of Outcasts", and challenges us to make the church such a place.

The Mission Matrix

So how does our church sort all this mission stuff out?

Tim Woodroof completes the Interim Ministry Partners,, series on helping a church determine its mission.

Time to Throw Away the Old Calendar

Love it or hate it... it is sure easy to live in the past.

Do not stay rooted in your past successes or failures. Instead, embrace the future God has planned for you.

Community and Mission

Looking around can help us find our way forward!

Phil Ware continues the team series on a church finding its mission and living it out so it can grow and be vital and make a difference.


Forgiveness is good for you!

Forgiveness is good for you. Resentment is harmful. The choice should be easy, yet we often find ourselves keeping a record of the wrongs done against us.