Articles Tagged 'Pa' (Page 18)

One Song

We can't do it for everyone, but we can for at least our one!

Phil Ware finishes his Just One series by calling us to help others find their one song.

No Air Conditioning in a Heat Wave

Is it really hotter than hell this summer?

The worst part of hell is not the heat and fear. It is being separated from God. He sent His Son so that would not happen.

Looking for a Sacred Job?

Isn't it time to consider giving up your secular work?

Ron Rose talks about the difference and the parallel of sacred and secular work and the jobs we have and do and whether or not we are secular or sacred people.

Treasure Hunters

What are you searching for?

Patrick Odum writes about Alaska, Skagway, gold, searching, treasure, and the Kingdom of God.

Living for Just One!

Will you live all of life as worship, or just a few hours per wek?

Phil Ware asks what we should wear to worship God and challenges us to see all of life as sacred space!

Think Differently

Is your thinking stuck in a rut?

Tom Norvell reflects on Apple founder Steve Job's retirement and reminds us to think differently.

Just One: One Note

How can help when I overwhelmed with the need?

Phil Ware introduces many of us to the principle of doing for one what you wish you could do for everyone and how it helps us know whom to help with so many needs around us!

Coming to Terms with Change

Don't like change? Here's something worse and something better!

Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.

Roads Without Potholes

Why would we ever want potholes in the road?

Rubel Shelly writes about potholes, discouragement, disappointments, pain, grief, wounds that occur in our lives and how they are part of the fabric of life and necessary to develop our character.

Got a Problem with God?

Are you willing to find some answers?

Ron Rose talks about dealing with pain and disappointments with God by tracking down the issues and finding the truth and not just living in pain and bitterness.

Dog Bites and Life

How do you survive when life takes a bite out of you?

Life is hard, and the terrible things in this world sometimes happen when we least expect. How do we cope?

A Promised Pardon

Billy the Kid is still waiting

We all need a pardon from God, forgiveness for our sins. But He won't make us wait.

Down the Hill, Waiting for the Return

How can you compare these two things?

Phil Ware continues his series on the mission trip to Sagrada Familia, The Community in Lima, Peru, and ties it in this article or post to Jesus' ascension.

My Father

Why is it so important that God be called Father?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Prodigal Son called the Journey Home about the God we all need to be our Father.

Wasted Time!

Haven't we all wasted enough time piddling around when there is a party going on?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home, and he focuses on the older brother and God's desire to throw him a party.

Making Faith Look Foolish

So when is Jesus' return?

Rubel Shelly talks about the end of the world, which a prediction missed once again, and how those who do not live faith embarrass the cause of Christ.

The Path from Brokenness to Peace

Can I really be the same person in each place?

Ron Rose talks about the temptation to compartmentalize life and live by different standards in different roles and walks in life instead of living with integrity for God.

Who Can Separate Us from the Love of God?

How do we get away from God?

But, if we choose to allow Jesus to redeem us, save us, make us Holy, affirm that we are worthy---Then NOTHING can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Riding Out Life's Tsunamis

Do we have the courage to face the waves head on?

Rubel Shelly shares insight into one survivor of the tsunami and how his courage has opened the door for the people of his island to survive.

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

GIVE Generously?

So what's the grace and privilege we are supposed to find here?

Phil Ware continues his SHIFT series and focuses upon giving generously as a privilege and grace.

SH!FT: PRAY_passionately

Can we really be honest with God and reverent, too?

Phil Ware continues his shift series with a message on prayer and about being real before God.

More Than Mere Words

How do we make our faith more than mere talk?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that religion has to do something and not just talk about a lot of things -- it must walk the talk, practice what you preach, and put your life where your mouth is.

SH!FT: READ_faithfully

Isn't it time you put this back into your daily life?

Phil Ware continues his shift series, focusing on our need to read Scripture because it is from God and useful to our living and beneficial and able to make us wise and leads us to salvation.

A Walk with Our Shepherd

What does it really mean for us?

This is a simple meditation on the meaning of the Shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23.