Articles Tagged 'Pa' (Page 30)

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The Value of Pain

Does pain really serve a useful purpose?

Pain is not always bad -- it is necessary to help us know where we need to change and be changed by the Father.

Failure Notice

Do you feel like your prayers bounced and came back to you?

Our prayers get to God, they don't bounce back to us and we can be sure about that because Jesus intercedes for us.


How can they know your love if you don't share yourself?

Without transparency we cannot fully share our love or be loved by another.

The Task at Hand

How can we begin to help in a world so full of hurt?

We can't help everybody, or even most bodies, but we can help the person nearest us.

Battery Life and Shining Lights

What does it take to keep your battery charged?

Keeping us going in ministry, keeping our lights shining, requires us to spend time alone with God.

Personality or Person?

How do you view your church leaders?

We've got to move from viewing people as personalities to seeing them as people to love.

God in the Dark

How do we move from self-reliance to God reliance?

A trip through deep depression forces our writer to look at reliance, dependence upon God, and finding hope when there doesn't seem to be much reason to hope.

Arriving Home

When are we going to get there?

What happens to people when they die is a lot like trying to tell kids how much farther it is to granny's house!

Vulnerable God

What makes God's love so irresistable?

God's vulnerability, his openness in Jesus to his emotions, is captivating.

Embellishment Opportunities

Have you felt the clean up of the Master's brush?

A mom's work at writing Scripture on her daughter's wall leads to a great opportnity to learn about God's grace.

Parenting Twenty-somethings ... Still?

Do you still have to parent after they have left home?

Parenting twenty-somethings is a challenge but can be a blessing if we do our job well.

Family to Those Who Are Alone

Are we really to be family to those who don't have family?

We've got to show the world that we will actually love them way we claim we will.

Better Get Better!

Are we willing to pay the price to really make a difference?

Learning to pay the price to get better or else we'll become irrelevant.

First Loves

Why is the loss of passion for the Lord taken so lightly?

For God, losing our loving passion for His Son and His Kingdom is a major concern and we should repent!

What Song Will They Sing?

What will they sing when you are gone?

We miss our loved ones when they die, but we can live in such a way to make sure that we see them again.

Post-Traumatic Growth

Can anything good come out of pain, stress, and hurt?

Sometimes rather than destroying us, pain and stress sometimes can make us stronger and grow.

The Motivation of the Moment

Are you full of anticipation for this event?

We should live passionately expecting the Lord's return.

Whatever Became of Sin?

Have you lost the source of absolute standards in your life?

When we lose the Bible as our moral compass, then we are left without a good understanding of right and wrong and sin.

Is It Really All Just So Much Talk?

Does your faith move you beyond just talk?

Real faith leads us to act and not just talk about problems.

Caught in the Storm

What are you going to do in the storm?

Many tough things happen in life, are we ready for the storm or to help others caught in the storm?

What Really Matters

In the midst of the preparation, I hope you have remembered what really matters!

Sometimes with all the preparation and stress we forget what the real meaning of the holidays is all about.

Here Comes Santa Claus

When was the last time you played this part?

Getting a chance to play Santa Claus opens up a deep joy and a reminder that we need to be Jesus to those around us.

Born That Man No More May Die

Why was Jesus born?

Jesus came to face our world and give us deliverance both from and through what we fear.

Where is Your Heart

Have you got your heart, head, and follow through in gear?

While we know Jesus said it is better to give than to receive, we often don't live like it!

If Payment is Delayed

Are youi willing to pay the price?

Putting off payments and not dealing with sin leads to disastrous results -- the payment always comes in.