Articles Tagged 'Pa' (Page 35)

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The Pains of Childbirth

What's it feel like to be pregnant?

We are in the time of pain, the time of pregnancy, waiting for the birth of our ultimate life in with God.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

Last Forever?

What do you have that will last forever?

Everything that isn't from God will fade, perish, die, and pass away.

Touching Jesus

Have you ever touched Jesus? You've had a chance to touch him!

When we touch those in need and treat them with dignity, we are touching Jesus.

The Search for Jesus' Love

Where can folks find Jesus' love in your town?

compassion, concern, care, Christ, love, Jesus, Church

Doing the Right Thing

It sure is hard doing the right thing.

Doing the right thing is hard, but the retirement benefits make it worth the effort -- just ask Jesus!

Always Preparing

Sooner or later, it's time to end the preparation!

We spend so much of our lives in preparation, but sooner or later we have to get down and get after what we are supposed to do.

This Loss of Dreams

What a great disappointment to have to wait!

To have to put off your wedding would be a great disappointment, but life is filled with disappointments -- that's why we need the hope we have in Jesus.

True Love is Blind

How can God be blind to our sin?

God is blind to our sin because the blood of Jesus continually purifies us when we are walking in the light.

E.T. and Christ

Is there something out there? What would it mean if there were?

Scientists are forever searching the skies for alien life, but what does that mean to the Christian? Randy Becton shares his thoughts on extra-terrestrials, aliens, and God.