Articles Tagged 'Passion' (Page 10)

Where is Your Heart

Have you got your heart, head, and follow through in gear?

While we know Jesus said it is better to give than to receive, we often don't live like it!

Fan into Flame

How can we fire it up a notch?

While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!

Am I a Goat, Too?

What can I learn about hard-hearted parishes in Louisiana?

Judging the hard-heartedness of some Louisiana parishes leads me to look at my own hard-heartedness.

Needed Notes of Grace

Have you heard this heavenly song lately?

Heaven's grace can be heard in the tune that is sung by God's people in worship, fellowship, and sacrifice.

What Would You Hear?

What captures your attention in a tragedy?

God cares about all people, all races, all nationalities in a tragedy and so should we.

Burden, Vision, and Passion

What are you living for this next year?

We must live our burden, passion, and vision if we are to honor God.

Return to Your First Love

Was it more exciting when you first began?

While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.

Hot, Hot, Hot

How hot is it where you are?

God calls us to decide for him or against -- he wants us to be hot, on fire for him.

The Least of These?

Who does Jesus value most?

We will be judged by how we cared for the least, the left out, and the lonely.

New Windows

What would you see if you had new windows in your church?

We must view the world outside our churches in new ways, especially through the eyes of compassion like Jesus did.

The Passion: How Has It Changed You?

Seeing the Passion has made a difference in many — how about you?

We need to ask ourselves what are we going to do with Jesus' passion in the long term.

The Tear from God's Eye

What was that we saw falling to earth?

We can't really know anyone else's story without being able to view it from the perspective of God and God sheds a tear when we judge each other falsely.

Rated "R"

Why go to this show when it's rated "R"?

This "R" rating is for redemption and a whole lot more

We Shouldn't Be Surprised

Why would people hate the Passion so much?

We shouldn't be surprised when many people are repulsed or don't like the Passion of the Christ.

How You Can Minister to Christ

How can we minister to Jesus?

One way we can minister to Christ is to serve those in need, especially those in prison or in jail.

Preparing to See The Passion of The Christ

Are you ready to see The Passion?

Be prepared before you go see the Passoin of the Christ; know what you are going to see and know how you are going to use it.

Passion Fears

What is your greatest fear about the release of The Passion?

The Passion of The Christ is released tomorrow, but Dave has fears that it will not be used as evangelistically as it should be.

They Had Been With Jesus

Can folks tell you've been in His presence?

Sure people will be touched by The Passion, but will they be touched by what they see of Christ in us?

Seeing But Not Seeing

What are you seeing in your walk with Christ?

God is calling us to more than just settling for the lax spirituality many of us find ourselves in.

A Place at Dinner with Jesus

Who would you have eat with you at your table?

We show our fellowship and friendship through those for whom we extend table fellowship and meals.

Compassionate Like Our Savior

How would Jesus deal with folks in Beverly Hills?

In Hollywood, we can find people who are rich and people who are poor, but what they have in common is that they all need the compassion of Jesus demonstrated to them.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!

Touching Jesus

Have you ever touched Jesus? You've had a chance to touch him!

When we touch those in need and treat them with dignity, we are touching Jesus.

The Search for Jesus' Love

Where can folks find Jesus' love in your town?

compassion, concern, care, Christ, love, Jesus, Church