Max Lucado shares biblical insight on how to exchange our cares for God's calm in our lives.
03/19/2024 by Max Lucado
Melissa Troyer reminds us of those mistakes made by our little ones when they are in their early exploration modes and how our job is not to load them down with rules but to show them where to reach.
07/20/2021 by Melissa Troyer
Max Lucado reminds us that discovering God's love for us in Jesus, his perfect love, helps us overcome our feelings of loneliness, impatience, and fear.
04/22/2020 by Max Lucado
Jordan Harrell captures the reality of the good times and challenging times in a marriage and what God is up to in all of it if we will keep on loving each other.
06/03/2018 by
Phillip Morrison reminds us that waiting and Christmas and Advent involve waiting and the wait is worth the effort when the desire of our hearts comes and fills us with his love.
12/10/2016 by Phillip Morrison
Max Lucado reminds us that our life is made by what we choose to do with our character and our heart.
01/23/2016 by Max Lucado
Rubel Shelly reminds us about God's enfolding peace in the middle of life's worse storms and that this has been true for centuries.
05/16/2015 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his short series on the Holy Spirit focusing on dancing with the Spirit and keeping in step with the Spirit.
01/19/2015 by Phil Ware
Tim Woodroof begins a series of articles by Interim Ministry Partners on discovering a congregation's mission by talking about how churches want to find someone to fill the pulpit in a hurry when they first need to discover who they are and what their mis
11/17/2013 by Tim Woodroof
Jackie Halstead reminds us of our need to slow down and let God lead us instead of thinking we can be in charge of our own lives.
10/04/2013 by Jackie Halstead, Ph.D.
Rubel Shelly reminds us that Easter is not over as long as Jesus' followers, Christians, his disciples, live out the evidence of his resurrection in their lives by the way they treat others.
04/05/2013 by Rubel Shelly
In a world that's always in a hurry, we need to stop and recognize who is really God.
07/25/2012 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on Light on the Dark Side of the Mountain focusing on David's restraint when he could have killed Saul.
10/14/2010 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly's night with a little girl in a restaurant reminds him of who God actually is.
11/16/2009 by Rubel Shelly
Jenny Runkel reminds us of the rules of improv and shows us how to use them in our parenting!
10/30/2008 by Jenny Runkel
Mike Barres gets stumped on moving a stump but keeps on going and reaches the tipping point and comes through because he doesn't give up.
07/26/2008 by Mike Barres
Rubel Shelly reminds us to play through pain and go on to victory.
07/25/2008 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware looks back on an old reel-to-reel recording and editing session and reflects how he could sure use that same kind of thing in his life!
04/28/2008 by Phil Ware
Tom Norvell shares reflections on Ecclesiastes 3:11 and the whole issue of timing and doing things at their right time.
01/27/2008 by Tom Norvell
Russell Lawson shares a perspective of time as we close out the year.
01/06/2008 by Russ Lawson
Tom Norvell describes the blessings promised to those who wait on the Lord from Isaiah.
08/07/2007 by Tom Norvell
Tom Norvell leads us to Psalm 6 and helps us ask, "How long, Lord?" because we all have times when we can barely hang on any longer.
07/22/2007 by Tom Norvell
Paul Faulkner tells about a paralyzed friend and his patience, but reminds us that all of us need patience if we are to be what God wants to grow us to be.
07/20/2007 by Paul Faulkner
Mike Barres reminds us that waiting is hard, but God's timing is always best.
06/05/2007 by Mike Barres
Learning to take things one hour and one step at a time helps this mother learn to make it when her premature baby is having problems in the hospital.
12/06/2006 by Denise Waldrop