Articles Tagged 'People' (Page 3)

Time for a Wilderness Calling

Can you handle this truth?

Ron Rose talks about wilderness periods in our lives and God's holy calling for us to live among people and serve them.

Catch & Release: Witnesses

Why would he choose this bunch to be his plan?

Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release reminding us that we are chosen to be Jesus' witnesses specifically because of who we are and what he has done for us in our lives.

It's the People, Not the Presents ...

The best Christmas memories have nothing to do with what you get.

The best part of Christmas is not the presents, but the people.

Drafting Your Thanksgiving Fantasy Team

This is a team we can all be thankful for!

Ron Rose reminds us that Thanksgiving is about those who have blessed us and our being a blessing back by letting them know and thanking them.

A New Normal

What are you going to do in the new financial environment?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the economic times, especially the financial downturn, gives us an opportunity to learn new things and establish new values, more biblical values, in our approach to consumption, greed, and ownership.

Making God Touchable

Have you touched someone in the name of Jesus, lately?

Phil Ware talks about making God touchable and how we share the touch of Jesus with others.

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

The Dance of Life!

Are you going through life like a zombie?

Ron Rose talks about sleep walking through life like zombies and how we were made to find life and dance with joy and help others do the same.

People First

Would you reach the mountaintop or help the wounded?

Mike Barres challenges us with a powerful example of climbing Mt. Everest and compares it with having a great church experience but not being concerned with people.

Prayer out of Compassion

What can you do?

Ron Rose tells us about a movement that swept the US nation many years ago and how God used it to change everyone.


Will your expectations measure up over the test of time?

Tom Norvell talks about setting expectations too high or too low and trusting in God to do more than we can ask or imagine so we can wait in expectation of each day for his work in our lives.

Collecting the Fingerprints of God

So what are you collecting?

Ron Rose reminds us to collect stories about God's fingerpints.


So who are we going to exclude?

Phil Ware reminds us that from the very beginning of the Christian movement, Jesus and His followers recognized that the Gospel and the church are for all people.

Marking Time

How restless are you when things run overtime?

Russell Lawson shares a perspective of time as we close out the year.

It's About Seeing Us!

Do you see and listen to these folks around you?

Rubel uses a street person named Jack and his friend to remind us that each of these people have a name and need to be valued and noticed as real people.


Do you sometimes feel useless?

No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!

What's in It for Me?

Should we even ask this question?

Some folks are takers, getting everything they can out of life and sucking it dry or leeches who suck the life out of everyone around them who have it.

Change is Constant

How can change be a constant that ties us to the past and gives us hope for the future?

Change is a constant so how we deal with it is crucial and is part of our heritage as God's people.

Expanding Your Circle of Friends

Are you connected an expanding circle of friends?

We all need friends, but in America, people have fewer and few friends, but the best way to have friends is to be a friend.

Lessons from LEGOs

What can be learned from a pile of LEGOs?

We can learn a lot about who we are spiritually from a box of LEGOs, things like unity and being built by God into something special.

Love or Legalism

Which of the two do you choose to do?

Jesus chose people over practices and love over legalism.

Playing the Fool?

Just how important are children to Jesus?

We can do some pretty stupid things when it comes to kids!

An Open Letter to the New Clergy

Will you step up as a business person and take a lead in our war for the soul?

The most powerful voice for God in our culture must come from our business leaders who are Christians!

What's Her Name?

Do you know your janitor's name?

A story reminds us of how important it is to know people by their name and treat them with dignity.

Why all the Rules?

Do we really need rules?

God's word is given to us to be a blessing and to give us a happy life.