Articles Tagged 'Pi' (Page 22)

The Thanksgiving Hooke

Do you remember this little boy from the first Thanksgiving?

A little boy about whom we know nothing shows us the way to the meaning of thanksgiving.

They Prayed for Boldness

What would you have prayed for in this circumstance?

Under persecution and difficulty, we most often need to pray for boldness instead of protection and ease!

Crazy Things Keep Happening to Me

Does crazy stuff happen to you?

Crazy things happen to all of us, but we can face them with joy because of God.

The Big Picture

How well do you understand the whole situation?

We are often critical of others and can't understand God because we don't see the big picture of what is happening.

Soul Work is Slow Work

Are you willing to take the time to let God work on you?

Soul work takes tiem and in our instant society we must be patient and let God do his work on us.

Fan into Flame

How can we fire it up a notch?

While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!

Tears and Laughter

How is being a mom like being a yo-you?

Motherhood brings with it the laughter and the tears of loving children.

Courage in a Crisis

What makes us keep on going?

The human spirit, created by God, is indominatable and has a passion to return to its home.

Extreme Hospitality

Is your home and heart open to others?

We must open our homes to others!

Weed, Water, and Share!

How does your garden grow?

Sometimes we just need to clear the clutter out of our lives!

To Life!

When's the last time you spent the day fully smiling?

We need to be a rejoicing people who reflect God's blessings in our lives and in our smiles!

Seeing the Face of Jesus

Have you seen the Lord lately?

When Christians gather together for worship and fellowship, it is a holy moment.

Opening Doors, Empowering Messengers

What are you doing to empower God's word?

Prayer empowers God's people and God's message.

Underestimating the Pull of Evil

How strong is the pull in your life?

We shouldn't play around with sin because it opens the door of heart to evil and satan.

"Live and Learn"

How did you get so smart?

Faith is about experience learning, not just sitting in a pew and having church book learning.

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There is Freedom!

Have you forgotten the freedom you have in the Spirit?

Nothing short of the Holy Spirit is enough to account for the Christian's change!

Why Care about Folks We Don't Know?

Why pay attention and look for folks we don't know?

We should care about all people, regardless of their background.

If Only I Could Be Spiritual

Are you are spiritual person?

Spirituality is about who you are on a daily basis.

I See Dead People

Have you notice any strange odors lately at work?

There are spiritually dead people all around us.

The Kids Behind You

Who will step up and point the way?

The generation coming behind us, the millenials, are not hopeless at all, but we must step up and help guide them.

I Get Stupid When I'm Tired

When do you go a little around the bend?

We need to recognize that we get a little stupid and out of control when we are tired and so we should do something to prevent it!

Words of Wisdom

Where do you get your wisdom?

Spiritual wisdom only comes from God and His Word.

Taking Flight

Are our

A group of baby birds in a flower basket nest remind us of the key three things for all of us as week to take flight for God!

Somewhere Else

Where do you want to be right now?

So many things make us long to be somewhere different.

The Fire

What needs to burn down in your world?

A fire burned down a church building but rebuilt a church.