God continually renews our hope through the Holy Spirit.
02/12/2004 by Bill Sherrill
Just as a pneumatic wrench gives us more power to remove bolts, the power of God's Spirit, the pneuma, gives us power to live.
02/11/2004 by Mike Barres
Even if our time in life means we have to slow down, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit quits working in us; we can see his power in the small things he does in our lives.
02/10/2004 by Charlotte Barres
Real change, true transformation, will not occur in our lives until we relinquish control completely to the Lord and the power of his Spirit.
01/05/2004 by Phil Ware
We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.
11/30/2003 by Tom Norvell
Don't give up, you're not the only trying and even if you are, what you do matters to God.
10/18/2003 by Alan Smith