Articles Tagged 'Power' (Page 10)

Enduring Hope

Where does the power to keep hoping come from?

God continually renews our hope through the Holy Spirit.

Pneumatic Tools

What does faith have in common with a wrench?

Just as a pneumatic wrench gives us more power to remove bolts, the power of God's Spirit, the pneuma, gives us power to live.

Wonder Working Power

Why can't we see the power of the Holy Spirit in less exciting ways?

Even if our time in life means we have to slow down, that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit quits working in us; we can see his power in the small things he does in our lives.

The Power to Change a Human Life

Can you look beyond your New Year's resolutions?

Real change, true transformation, will not occur in our lives until we relinquish control completely to the Lord and the power of his Spirit.

Haunting Words

Grace for the times an eraser can't undo what we say.

We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.

The Only One Pulling

Ever feel like you're the only one trying?

Don't give up, you're not the only trying and even if you are, what you do matters to God.