Articles Tagged 'Prayer' (Page 4)

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn't and couldn't, how dare we?

Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.

Building a Culture of Honor: Prayer

Prayer changes something much more important than our circumstances!

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing this week on prayer, especially prayer as a redemptive tool of offering forgiveness and blessing to those who are our enemies and who mistreat us.

This Treasure Is up for Grabs

Treasure among all the garbage?

Ron Rose writes about the good things he used to find in the garbage dump and how there are special surprises and treasures that he found along the way and how we can do the same thing with people if we are willing to get messy.

When God Does not Answer Prayer the Way You Expected

What do you say to a nonbeliever when God does not answer your prayer the way you wanted.

It is easy to share God's answer to prayer when things turn out the way we wanted. It is just as important to share our faith when the answer is not what we wanted.

Pray without Ceasing?

How can we really do this?

David Bratton shares with us some important ideas about praying without ceasing and obeying, honoring, blessing, and working for the justice that blesses God.

Why Faith Is an Answer to Prayer and Prayer Is an Answer to Faith

How is faith an answer to prayer?

Ann Voskamp reminds us that faith and prayer are a two street and the both are intertwined with each other and when this happens, grace, joy, and healing flow into Shalom, peace, wholeness and fullness of life.

Prayer: Warrior or Weakling?

Does prayer feel like sand getting kicked in your face?

Rick Brown reminds us that prayer begins simply, and in the process fo growing we all end up developing and growing in our prayer life.

'In Jesus' Name, All Girls!'

Sometimes when kids get it wrong, they get it right!

Russ Lawson reminds us that kids can say something wrongly, but at the same time remind us of greater truth.

Learning to Live the Life God Blesses

So how does this all fit with prayer?

Rick Brown leads us to see prayer in a fresh way, but also the way of Jesus.

You Want to Use Me?

I know who I am, so how can God use?

Phil Ware continues his use of The Story material and focuses on God calling Moses.

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

What happened to Jesus' promise?

Ron Rose writes about unanswered prayers and letting God find us and us having conversations with our heavenly Father.

Everything on the Line

What would you do in your last moments with those you love?

Phil Ware continues his series on the unpredictable Savior and reminds us of the upper room discourses where Jesus demonstrates and teaches what is most important to him to those who are most important to him, his disciples, his friends, those he loves.

Open Doors, Open Hearts

Please pray that God will open the door to effective ministry!

Phil Ware reminds us of our need for God's help to open hearts so that we can share Jesus with others.

Better Broken: The Plan

What was God's plan to help Jesus' broken and flawed followers accomplish his mission?

Phil Ware continues his series called Better Broken that focuses on how God used flawed, broken people to change the world by sharing the message of Jesus and this involved Purpose: to be witnesses, Plan: to release God's power through prayer; People: the

The One Born in Bethlehem Can be Born in You

When was your last pause to reflect, rest, and renew?

Rick Brown gives some statistical data on Christmas shopping, historical data on the birth of Jesus, and some spiritual insight on how to keep from going under during the busy time we call Christmas.


He's making a list and checking it twice ...

Rubel Shelly talks about living by lists and emphasizes the importance of moving things from your worry list to your prayer list.


We spend time with God and find out that we are loved!

Tammy Marcelain reminds us that we are able to realize that we are God's beloved when we take time to open ourselves to Him and be still and experience that God is with us and speaks to us in whispers.

The News Behind the News

Do you ever get a glimpse of God behind the stories we hear everyday?

Ron Rose reminds us that God stories are everywhere, but don't make the press because God's work can't be nailed down to a snippet, a spin, a sound byte, or a headline.

Come with Me!

Is there any way to step off the treadmill a minute?

Tom Norvell reminds us of Jesus encouraging his disciples, his followers, to get away from the maddening rush of the crowds and go to a quiet place with him and get some rest.

SH!FT: PRAY_passionately

Can we really be honest with God and reverent, too?

Phil Ware continues his shift series with a message on prayer and about being real before God.

Committed or Comfortable?

What do we need to get us to stretch out a bit?

Rick Brown talks about a famous photograph and the message to pray and have hope in the darkest of times, and to remember that fervent and earnest prayer is the kind of prayer the early church, the committed church prayed.

A Visit to the Dentist

What I learned about a healthy relationship with God from my dentist visits.

Just as my teeth need regular care and maintenance, so does my relationship with God.

Prayer for Such a Time as This

This is much bigger than just one nation! urges people the world over to pray for our nations and for our world and for peace and for the spread of the gospel.

The Burden & Blessing of Prayer

A hard night leads to a great time of prayer.

Tom Norvell talks about a sleepless night that leads to a great time of prayer and some key lessons about prayer.

Tested Tough

Why intentionally face hard opponents?

Phil Ware shares insight on the challenges of trials and sufferings and also on the desire and passion to have God's character produced in our lives through perseverance in times that are hard and facing opponents that are challenging.