Articles Tagged 'Presence' (Page 3)

Resurrection 2.1: In the Breaking of the Bread

What if this song speaks the truth about Jesus' promise to meet us in our world today?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and the vital importance of Jesus' resurrection for our life as his disciples today.

Just for You!

If you were the only one who existed.

Max Lucado reminds us that God made all of creation just for each one of us as the crown of his creation.

Jesus Isn't Finished with Us Yet!

Behind every act of power in Acts, we see Jesus at work, guiding his followers and providing his strength for them to do what he asked of them.

Phil Ware begins an eight-part series on eight truths that turned the world upside down, a look at the early verses of the book of Acts.

God Is Not Surprised!

No matter where I go or what happens, God is not surprised, and He will not abandon His own!

Tom Norvell reminds us of the truth of David's famous Psalm 139 about God's presence in every twist, turn, and chapter of our lives.


How can we deepen, strengthen, and become more aware of our Lord's constant and loving presence?

Phil Ware reminds us of the Lord's nearness, four ways we can experience that nearness, but most importantly, he reminds us to seek the Lord's presence in our lives, always.

Life Happens!

No one is exempt from life’s challenges.

Brian McCutchen uses the journey of Asaph in Psalm 73 to remind us that life happens to everyone, but God is with those who love him.

Our Father Is Not Silent!

Does God still speak and make his presence known in our lives or is he silent, leaving us to decipher our own way through our troubled world?

Phil Ware continues his series on finding God's vision for our lives and living on mission for God.

Knowing Jesus

Don't you want to know more than just facts about Jesus?

Phil Ware reminds us that there is simply no substitute for truly knowing Jesus!

Finding Jesus!

How do we get started on rebuilding our relationship with Jesus, a relationship He yearns to have with us?

Phil Ware shares a message he has shared privately many times about how to experience Jesus, how for Jesus to be real in our lives, each day.

Our Journey with God

How do I know God is really with me on my journey to find a home with him?

Phil Ware and James Nored remind us that we can journey with God like Abraham, knowing that he goes with us until he brings us fully home.

I Doubt it: Stepping Out of the Boat

Jesus didn't give up on Peter and his 'little faith' and he won't give up on us!

Phil Ware reminds us that it is not the storm or our "little faith" that is the problem: it's losing sight of Jesus!

After the Crowd Has Gone

Thanksgiving is over; so what do we do now as we return to the challenges of life?

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus gave us a great example on how to deal with the challenges we face after a great thanksgiving feast.

Drought Buster

With the Holy Spirit, there never has to be a spiritual drought!

Phil Ware reminds us of Jesus' promise to send us living water in the Holy Spirit, water that would never run dry and would well up in us to eternal life.

His Power Becomes Our Power

When we wait on the Holy Spirit, we are anticipating God's power to work through us to God's glory!

Max Lucado reminds us to wait on the Holy Spirit to come with power.

The Lord is Near: Acorn

The power of the oak is in the acorn!

Phil Ware continues his series that the Lord is near focusing on the power of this promise found in the Lord's faithfulness, love, and grace.

The Lord is Near: Longing

We are not alone in longing to know that the presence of the Lord is with us!

Phil Ware begins a series called the Lord is near and reminds us that the Lord is close and we have a right to long to know his presence is real and is near.

God Surrounds Us!

Will I be hard like a stone or open like a sponge to the ever-nearness of God?

Max Lucado reminds us to be open to God even when things are bad and times are tough and we want to harden ourselves against him.

A Home for Jesus

Let's prepare a place for Jesus

Christ could have a mansion in the Bronx or any palace he chose, but he has decided to live in me. He has made a home in my heart, giving me life, guiding me in the way I should go. My job is to follow his lead and become like him, become like the one who

God's Masterpiece

Don't view yourself as less than who God says you are!

Max Lucado reminds us not to think less of ourselves than God, our Creator does, and he declares that we are his masterpiece.

Jesus Promises His Presence

Can we really expect to meet Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect and reminds us that Jesus promised to be present with us as we live out the four moves of the Andrew Effect.

His Perpetual Presence

He longs to go with you, wherever and whenever...

Max Lucado reminds us that God longs to be with us and for us to be reassured of his pervasive and blessed presence in our lives.

Calm in the Midst of Chaos

Do those old passsages really have something to say today?

Rubel Shelly reminds us about God's enfolding peace in the middle of life's worse storms and that this has been true for centuries.

Dressing Down for God

How should you present yourself before God?

You may be rich or powerful or beautiful or famous or extremely talented. But when you come to God, you take all that off. You humble yourself and say to him, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”

'A Sort of Christ'

Can we re-find the way of Christ?

Rubel Shelly challenges us as the church to awaken to the call of Jesus and arise from our lethargy as an institution to reclaim our mission and purpose as Jesus' presence in the world.

In the Power of the Spirit

We can't help it: we live where we look!

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit focusing on Jesus and our need for Jesus to be the transforming presence in our lives.